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Jogalkotási javaslatok megfogalmazása a jogtudományban (2015)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P., & Gajduschek, G. (2015). Jogalkotási javaslatok megfogalmazása a jogtudományban. In A. Jakab, & A. Menyhárd (Eds.), A jog tudománya: Tudománytörténeti és -elméleti írások, gyakorlati tanácsokkal (79–100). HVG-Orac

Flag states (2015)
Book Chapter
Barnes, R. (2015). Flag states. In D. Rothwell, A. Oude Elferink, K. Scott, & T. Stephens (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the Law of the Sea (304-325). Oxford University Press

Flag State jurisdiction provides one of the principal ways of maintaining legal order over activities at sea, although its significance has lessened as a consequence of extensions in coastal State jurisdiction over ocean spaces. Any State may grant... Read More about Flag states.

The Uncanny and mannequins (2015)
Book Chapter
Davis, A. M., & Pagnoni Berns, F. G. (2015). The Uncanny and mannequins. In F. Pascuzzi, & B. Cracchiolo (Eds.), Dreamscapes in Italian Cinema (19-34). Fairleigh Dickinson University Press/Rowman & Littlefield

The deliberative and epistemic dimension of legitimate authoritative directives (2015)
Book Chapter
Hatzistavrou, A. (2015). The deliberative and epistemic dimension of legitimate authoritative directives. In G. Pavlakos, & V. Rodriguez-Blanco (Eds.), Reasons and Intentions in Law and Practical Agency (140-158). Cambridge University Press.

What reasons do legitimate authoritative directives generate in their subjects? Raz identifies two relevant reasons: (a) a first-order reason to do as directed; and (b) a second-order, exclusionary reason not to be motivated by at least some of the f... Read More about The deliberative and epistemic dimension of legitimate authoritative directives.

Rumour and reputation in the early modern English family (2015)
Book Chapter
Capern, A. L. (2015). Rumour and reputation in the early modern English family. In C. Walker, & H. Kerr (Eds.), 'Fama' and her sisters: Gossip and rumour in Early Modern Europe (85-113). Brepols.

This article explores the role of rumour, or the hearsay and gossip that circulated in a community, in eroding or maintaining reputations within and across families; it considers the nature of gossip, including the way it carried gender connotations,... Read More about Rumour and reputation in the early modern English family.

Forensic hypnosis (2015)
Book Chapter
Mazzoni, G., Green, J. P., Kirsch, I., Lemons, P., Lilienfeld, S. O., & Lynn, S. J. Forensic hypnosis. In Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology (1-3).

Hypnosis has long generated controversy as a recall enhancement method. Concerns about hypnosis are warranted by findings of a tradeoff between the number of memories recalled and memory accuracy. Moreover, witnesses often express confidence in hypno... Read More about Forensic hypnosis.

Ethics in palliative care research (2015)
Book Chapter
Koffman, J., Stone, K., & Murtagh, F. E. (2015). Ethics in palliative care research. In E. Bruera, I. Higginson, C. F. von Gunten, & T. Morita (Eds.), Textbook of palliative medicine (211-220). (2nd ed.). CRC Press

Action against host states of terrorist groups (2015)
Book Chapter
Moir, L. (2015). Action against host states of terrorist groups. In M. Weller (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the use of force in international law (720-736). Oxford University Press.

This chapter examines the problems that could arise when a state invokes self-defence to justify action against terrorist groups in another state. It first considers indirect armed attack against armed groups and the controversy surrounding the use o... Read More about Action against host states of terrorist groups.

Plantation societies (2015)
Book Chapter
Burnard, T. (2015). Plantation societies. In J. H. Bentley, S. Subrahmanyam, & M. E. Wiesner-Hanks (Eds.), The Cambridge World History Vol.6 The Construction of a Global World, 1400–1800 CE, Part 2: Patterns of Change (263-282). Cambridge University Press.

Few institutions define world history in the early modern era as completely as the plantation complex. Initiated in Europe; realised in the tropical and semi-tropical regions of the Americas; involving both Asia as a source of capital and Asians as l... Read More about Plantation societies.

Impact of the operating conditions and position of exhaust gas recirculation on the performance of a micro gas turbine (2015)
Book Chapter
Ali, U., Palma, C. F., Hughes, K. J., Ingham, D. B., Ma, L., & Pourkashanian, M. (2015). Impact of the operating conditions and position of exhaust gas recirculation on the performance of a micro gas turbine. In K. V. Gernaey, J. K. Huusom, & R. Gani (Eds.), 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (2417-2422). Elsevier.

Gas turbines are a viable and secure option both economically and environmentally for power and heat generation. The process simulation of the micro gas turbine with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and its impact on performance is evaluated. This stu... Read More about Impact of the operating conditions and position of exhaust gas recirculation on the performance of a micro gas turbine.

Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook (2015)
Book Chapter
Sharvia, S., Kabir, S., Walker, M., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2015). Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook. In I. Mistrik, N. Ali, B. Tekinerdogan, R. Soley, & J. Grundy (Eds.), Software Quality Assurance: In Large Scale and Complex Software-intensive Systems (251-278). Elsevier.

Abstract: Over the past two decades, the study of model-based dependability analysis has gathered significant research interest. Different approaches have been developed to automate and address various limitations of classical dependability technique... Read More about Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook.

Supporting the automated generation of modular product line safety cases (2015)
Book Chapter
de Oliveira, A. L., Braga, R. T., Masiero, P. C., Papadopoulos, Y., Habli, I., & Kelly, T. (2015). Supporting the automated generation of modular product line safety cases. In W. Zamojski, J. Mazurkiewicz, J. Sugier, T. Walkowiak, & J. Kacprzyk (Eds.), .

Abstract The effective reuse of design assets in safety-critical Software Product Lines (SPL) would require the reuse of safety analyses of those assets in the variant contexts of certification of products derived from the SPL. This in turn requires... Read More about Supporting the automated generation of modular product line safety cases.

Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products (2015)
Book Chapter
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2015). Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products. In C. Brienza (Ed.), Global Manga: "Japanese" comics without Japan? (167-184). Routledge

ABSTRACT / PROPOSAL: It´s well known that the major global comic producers are Japan and U.S. There are not so many countries where this medium has achieved this importance not only as high-quality producers but also as powerful creators of contents.... Read More about Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products.

Medical ethics and academic freedom - my Dutch experience (2015)
Book Chapter
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Medical ethics and academic freedom - my Dutch experience. In A. Jotkowitz, & S. Shvarts (Eds.), Autonomy, Altruism and Authority in Medical Ethics: Essays in Honor of Professor Shimon Glick (11-29)

A persistent phenomenon: private prize-taking in the British Atlantic world, c.1540-1856 (2014)
Book Chapter
Starkey, D. J., & McCarthy, M. (2014). A persistent phenomenon: private prize-taking in the British Atlantic world, c.1540-1856. In S. Eklöf Amirell, & L. Müller (Eds.), Persistent Piracy (131-151). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

The British Atlantic world was ‘created by kaleidoscopic movements of people, goods and ideas’ that spiralled out of England, Scotland and Ireland (hereafter, Britain) from the sixteenth century onwards.1 A desire to gain at the expense of foreigners... Read More about A persistent phenomenon: private prize-taking in the British Atlantic world, c.1540-1856.

White lies and black consequences: Margaret Jones and the complex dynamics of the publishing industry (2014)
Book Chapter
Metcalf, J. (2014). White lies and black consequences: Margaret Jones and the complex dynamics of the publishing industry. In C. O. Garcia, V. Ashanti Young, & C. Pimentel (Eds.), From Uncle Tom's Cabin to The help : critical perspectives on white-authored narratives of black life (143-157). Palgrave Macmillan.

Numerous autobiographies have been released over the past two decades documenting contemporary African American and Mexican American urban life, including themes of violent gangbanging, drug hustling, and the inner-city search for economic stability... Read More about White lies and black consequences: Margaret Jones and the complex dynamics of the publishing industry.

Reliability analysis of dynamic systems by translating temporal fault trees into Bayesian networks (2014)
Book Chapter
Kabir, S., Walker, M., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2014). Reliability analysis of dynamic systems by translating temporal fault trees into Bayesian networks. In Model-Based Safety and Assessment; Lecture Notes in Computer Science (96-109). Springer Verlag.

Classical combinatorial fault trees can be used to assess combinations of failures but are unable to capture sequences of faults, which are important in complex dynamic systems. A number of proposed techniques extend fault tree analysis for dynamic s... Read More about Reliability analysis of dynamic systems by translating temporal fault trees into Bayesian networks.

‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’ (2014)
Book Chapter
Gonzalez-Arnal, S. (2014). ‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’. In M. Rifà Valls, L. Duarte Campderrós, & M. Ponferrada Arteaga (Eds.), Nuevos desafíos para la inclusión social y la equidad en instituciones de educación superior (296-308). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

El concepto de justicia epistemológica ha recibido una gran atención en los últimos diez años en el ámbito de la filosofía anglófona y se ha desarrollado, de manera paralela (aunque utilizando otras denominaciones), en las llamadas “Epistemologías de... Read More about ‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’.