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White lies and black consequences: Margaret Jones and the complex dynamics of the publishing industry (2014)
Book Chapter
Metcalf, J. (2014). White lies and black consequences: Margaret Jones and the complex dynamics of the publishing industry. In C. O. Garcia, V. Ashanti Young, & C. Pimentel (Eds.), From Uncle Tom's Cabin to The help : critical perspectives on white-authored narratives of black life (143-157). Palgrave Macmillan.

Numerous autobiographies have been released over the past two decades documenting contemporary African American and Mexican American urban life, including themes of violent gangbanging, drug hustling, and the inner-city search for economic stability... Read More about White lies and black consequences: Margaret Jones and the complex dynamics of the publishing industry.

Reliability analysis of dynamic systems by translating temporal fault trees into Bayesian networks (2014)
Book Chapter
Kabir, S., Walker, M., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2014). Reliability analysis of dynamic systems by translating temporal fault trees into Bayesian networks. In Model-Based Safety and Assessment; Lecture Notes in Computer Science (96-109). Springer Verlag.

Classical combinatorial fault trees can be used to assess combinations of failures but are unable to capture sequences of faults, which are important in complex dynamic systems. A number of proposed techniques extend fault tree analysis for dynamic s... Read More about Reliability analysis of dynamic systems by translating temporal fault trees into Bayesian networks.

Caring attributes and preparedness to care: effects of a pre-enrolled nursing certificate programme in Singapore (2014)
Book Chapter
Lee, B. K., Loke, J. C., & Lee, B. (2014). Caring attributes and preparedness to care: effects of a pre-enrolled nursing certificate programme in Singapore. In T. Emerson (Ed.), New developments in nursing education research (1-22). Nova Science Publishers

Background: Caring is a highly complex and abstract concept, and nurturing a caring attribute among individuals for a nursing career is believed to be best introduced at the start of student journey in preparatory courses specifically designed for nu... Read More about Caring attributes and preparedness to care: effects of a pre-enrolled nursing certificate programme in Singapore.

Lessons from the Great Underground Empire: Pedagogy, computers and False Dawn (2014)
Book Chapter
Martin, S. (2014). Lessons from the Great Underground Empire: Pedagogy, computers and False Dawn. In A. Tatnall, & B. Davey (Eds.), Reflections on the history of computers in education (1-25). Springer.

The educational use of computers in the UK coincided with growing tensions between educators and government policy. This led to the imposition of a National Curriculum and policy that took scant account of research evidence or the views of profession... Read More about Lessons from the Great Underground Empire: Pedagogy, computers and False Dawn.

‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’ (2014)
Book Chapter
Gonzalez-Arnal, S. (2014). ‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’. In M. Rifà Valls, L. Duarte Campderrós, & M. Ponferrada Arteaga (Eds.), Nuevos desafíos para la inclusión social y la equidad en instituciones de educación superior (296-308). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

El concepto de justicia epistemológica ha recibido una gran atención en los últimos diez años en el ámbito de la filosofía anglófona y se ha desarrollado, de manera paralela (aunque utilizando otras denominaciones), en las llamadas “Epistemologías de... Read More about ‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’.

The complexities, contradictions and consequences of being 'anti-social' in Northern Ireland (2014)
Book Chapter
Gormally, S. (2014). The complexities, contradictions and consequences of being 'anti-social' in Northern Ireland. In Anti-social Behaviour in Britain (179-191).

Anti-social behaviour as a concept has numerous complexities. The definitional slippages and lack of clarity often lead to a range of contextually specific consequences. Although Northern Ireland is in the process of working through and moving away f... Read More about The complexities, contradictions and consequences of being 'anti-social' in Northern Ireland.

Research on Patients with Dementia (2014)
Book Chapter
Bielby, P. (2014). Research on Patients with Dementia. In C. Foster, J. Herring, & I. Doron (Eds.), The Law and Ethics of Dementia. Hart Publishing

Contract, Freedom of (2014)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2014). Contract, Freedom of. In Encyclopedia of Law and Economics (1-10). Springer Publishing Company.

Freedom of contract is a principle of law, expressing three related ideas: parties should be free to choose their contracting partners (“party freedom”), to agree freely on the terms of their agreement (“term freedom”), and where agreements have been... Read More about Contract, Freedom of.

Social relationships in nonhuman primates: Potential models of pervasive disorders (2014)
Book Chapter
Wilson, V. A., & Weiss, A. (2015). Social relationships in nonhuman primates: Potential models of pervasive disorders. In P. L. Roubertoux (Ed.), Organism Models of Autism Spectrum Disorders (283-302). Humana Press.

The diagnosis of autism in humans is currently based on behavioral criteria, including impairments in social behavior and communicative skills, and the presence of stereotypic behavior. In this chapter, we draw on behavioral parallels between humans... Read More about Social relationships in nonhuman primates: Potential models of pervasive disorders.

Continuity and change in parliamentarianism in twenty-first century European politics (2014)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2015). Continuity and change in parliamentarianism in twenty-first century European politics. In J. Magone (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of European Politics (328-345). Routledge.

The nineteenth century was notable for the growth of national legislatures in Europe, both in number and in political significance. Although the development was not uniform – some nations lacked a legislature at the heart of their political system –... Read More about Continuity and change in parliamentarianism in twenty-first century European politics.

Complaining about typhoid in 1930s Britain (2014)
Book Chapter
Wall, R. (2014). Complaining about typhoid in 1930s Britain. In J. Reinarz, & R. Wynter (Eds.), Complaints, controversies and grievances in medicine: Historical and social science perspectives (184-202). Routledge

Spenser’s Dutch uncles: The family of love and the four translations of a theatre for worldlings (2014)
Book Chapter
Mottram, S. (2014). Spenser’s Dutch uncles: The family of love and the four translations of a theatre for worldlings. In J. Maria Perez Fernandez, & E. Wilson-Lee (Eds.), Translation and the Book Trade in Early Modern Europe (164-184).

© José María Pérez Fernández and Edward Wilson-Lee 2014. A Theatre for Worldlings is a milestone work in more ways than one. Commonly regarded as the first English emblem book, it is “always to be remembered as containing the first printed verse of E... Read More about Spenser’s Dutch uncles: The family of love and the four translations of a theatre for worldlings.

‘It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a non-international armed conflict!’: cross-border hostilities between states and non-state actors (2014)
Book Chapter
Moir, L. (2014). ‘It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a non-international armed conflict!’: cross-border hostilities between states and non-state actors. In C. Harvey, J. Summers, & N. D. White (Eds.), Contemporary challenges to the laws of war (71-94). Cambridge University Press.

© Cambridge University Press 2014. All rights reserved. A contention may, of course, arise between armed forces of a State and a body of armed individuals, but this is not war. [M]odern conflict often does not appear to fit nicely into the strict tra... Read More about ‘It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a non-international armed conflict!’: cross-border hostilities between states and non-state actors.

Eleanor Davies and the New Jerusalem (2014)
Book Chapter
Capern, A. L. (2014). Eleanor Davies and the New Jerusalem. In J. A. Chappell, & K. A. Kramer (Eds.), Women during the English Reformations: Renegotiating Gender and Religious Identity (91-114). Palgrave Macmillan.

Eleanor Davies was a great believer in historical moments. In her first work—A Warning to the Dragon and All His Angels of 1625-she told readers that “The Lord is at the Dore.”1 This immanence of God made her watchful and purposeful, reading the sign... Read More about Eleanor Davies and the New Jerusalem.

The role of information systems in the prevention and detection of transnational and international crime (2014)
Book Chapter
Demetis, D. (2014). The role of information systems in the prevention and detection of transnational and international crime. In I. Bantekas, & E. Mylonaki (Eds.), Criminological Approaches to International Criminal Law (192-221). Cambridge University Press.

© Cambridge University Press 2014. All around the world criminal activity remains at the forefront of governmental concerns, not only as a problem that distorts the very fabric of society within the confines of national jurisdictions, but also as a p... Read More about The role of information systems in the prevention and detection of transnational and international crime.