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Caring attributes and preparedness to care: effects of a pre-enrolled nursing certificate programme in Singapore

Lee, Bryant K.; Loke, Jennifer C.F.; Lee, Bryant


Bryant K. Lee

Jennifer C.F. Loke

Bryant Lee


T. Emerson


Background: Caring is a highly complex and abstract concept, and nurturing a caring attribute among individuals for a nursing career is believed to be best introduced at the start of student journey in preparatory courses specifically designed for nursing. However, because of the need to professionalise nursing, pre-enrolled nursing programmes have been discontinued and replaced by generic healthcare programmes in many parts of the world. Aim: This study aims to evaluate the impact of pre-enrolled certificate nursing education on students’ caring attributes and their preparedness to care. Methodology: A mixed methods approach using unstructured questions and the Caring Behaviour Inventory was employed to determine student caring attributes and their preparedness to care. The participants were final year pre-enrolled nursing students in Singapore. Findings: Students demonstrated attributes of caring based on an average CBI score of 4.55 (SD 0.32). Expressions of professional nurse caring were explicit in students’ entire learning journey and these took various forms of approach embedded in both curricular and extracurricular activites. The study also found that nurturing caring attributes was associated with a high expectation of student social behaviour and closely linked to the increasingly good reputation of nursing as a profession in that region. Conclusions: This study indicates the high potential value of pre-enrolled nursing education for developing the caring attributes of individuals. A nursing-oriented programme title and its high status associated with nursing were critical elements for nurturing the caring attributes. The implications for developments in nurse education and research are discussed.


Lee, B. K., Loke, J. C., & Lee, B. (2014). Caring attributes and preparedness to care: effects of a pre-enrolled nursing certificate programme in Singapore. In T. Emerson (Ed.), New developments in nursing education research (1-22). Nova Science Publishers

Publication Date 2014-12
Deposit Date Jun 15, 2016
Publicly Available Date Jun 15, 2016
Publisher Nova Science Publishers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 1-22
Series Title Nursing – Issues, Problems and Challenges
Book Title New developments in nursing education research
ISBN 9781634631143
Keywords Caring
Public URL
Publisher URL Book details available at
Contract Date Jun 15, 2016


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