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A Dismal Story? Britain, the Gurkhas and the Partition of India, 1945-1948 (2012)
Book Chapter
Omissi, D. (2012). A Dismal Story? Britain, the Gurkhas and the Partition of India, 1945-1948. In A. Jeffreys, & P. Rose (Eds.), The Indian Army, 1939–47: Experience and Development (195 - 214). Ashgate.

Broadly speaking this is indeed what happened, with one striking exception – the Gurkhas. No Gurkha regiments were ‘transferred’ to the Indian Army in 1947, for the simple reason that they already were part of the Indian Army. Instead, four of the In... Read More about A Dismal Story? Britain, the Gurkhas and the Partition of India, 1945-1948.

Christopher Hewetson: sculpture, commerce, and sociability in Rome (2012)
Book Chapter
Yarrington, A. (2012). Christopher Hewetson: sculpture, commerce, and sociability in Rome. In M. Dolores Sánchez-Jáuregui, & S. Wilcox (Eds.), The English prize: the Capture of the Westmorland: an episode of the Grand Tour (106-114). Yale University Press

The volume is the catalogue of the exhibition held at the Ashmolean Museum and the Yale Center for British Art 2012. This chapter is concerned with the portrait sculpture by Christopher Hewetson, part of the Westmorland's cargo captured in 1779, whic... Read More about Christopher Hewetson: sculpture, commerce, and sociability in Rome.

Biographical note (2012)
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). Biographical note. In Enoch at 100: a re-evaluation of the life, politics and philosophy of Enoch Powell (xxv - xxix). Biteback Publishing

After the silk stockings ; After Abigail finds the letter (2012)
Book Chapter
McKay, K. (2012). After the silk stockings ; After Abigail finds the letter. In Sketches, dispatches, Hull tales and ballads (84 - 93). Kingston Press

Two short stories. Humber Writers celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Dickens. Special commission for the Humber Mouth Literature Festival 2012.  

Being an interpreter in conflict (2012)
Book Chapter
Tobia, S., & Baker, C. (2012). Being an interpreter in conflict. In Languages at war: policies and practices of language contacts in conflict (201 - 221). Palgrave Macmillan

Fraternization (2012)
Book Chapter
Footitt, H., & Baker, C. (2012). Fraternization. In Languages at war: policies and practices of language contacts in conflict (139 - 164). Palgrave Macmillan

Civilian interpreting in military conflicts (2012)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2012). Civilian interpreting in military conflicts. In Languages at war: policies and practices of language contacts in conflict (184 - 200). Palgrave Macmillan

Frameworks for understanding (2012)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2012). Frameworks for understanding. In Languages at war: policies and practices of language contacts in conflict (37 - 53). Palgrave Macmillan

State crime: a dialectical view (2012)
Book Chapter
Green, P., & Ward, T. (2012). State crime: a dialectical view. In M. Maguire, R. Morgan, & R. Reiner (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of criminology (717-740). (5th). Oxford University Press.

This chapter, which examines state crime, which includes genocide, war crimes, torture, police violence, and ‘grand corruption’ (the ruling elite's organised plunder of national resources, first proposes a definition that views state crime as a form... Read More about State crime: a dialectical view.

Crime, Surveillance and the Media (2012)
Book Chapter
McCahill, M. (2012). Crime, Surveillance and the Media. In Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies (244 - 250). Routledge

Wilful negligence: migration policy, migrants' work and the absence of social protection in the UK (2012)
Book Chapter
Craig, G., & Wilkinson, M. (2012). Wilful negligence: migration policy, migrants' work and the absence of social protection in the UK. In Migration and welfare in the new Europe : social protection and the challenges of integration (177-194). Policy Press

In this chapter we explore important issues concerned with the social exclusion and social segregation of migrant workers in the UK.  Our main argument is that social and employment protection for this group of workers is often inadequate and the the... Read More about Wilful negligence: migration policy, migrants' work and the absence of social protection in the UK.