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Family Hold Back:Displaying Families in the Single-Location Home/Workplace (2011)
Book Chapter
Seymour, J. (2011). Family Hold Back:Displaying Families in the Single-Location Home/Workplace. In Displaying families: a new concept for the sociology of family life (160 - 174). Palgrave Macmillan

This chapter, in keeping with the overall aim of this volume, takes up Finch?s invitation to assess and develop the new concept of „Displaying Families? (Finch 2007). It aims particularly, as proposed in the original article, to use empirical data to... Read More about Family Hold Back:Displaying Families in the Single-Location Home/Workplace.

Genetic Algorithms with Chromosome Differentiation (GACD) Based Approach for Process Plan Selection Problems (2011)
Book Chapter
Mishra, N., & Kumar, V. (2011). Genetic Algorithms with Chromosome Differentiation (GACD) Based Approach for Process Plan Selection Problems. In M. Tiwari, & J. A. Harding (Eds.), Evolutionary Computing in Advanced Manufacturing (77-94). Wiley.

The changing global scenario and increased competitiveness has enforced manufacturers to optimize their processes to sustain their position in the market. Manufacturing firms rely on an effective process plan to efficiently utilize their manufacturin... Read More about Genetic Algorithms with Chromosome Differentiation (GACD) Based Approach for Process Plan Selection Problems.

Tool Selection in FMS A Hybrid SA-Tabu Algorithm Based Approach (2011)
Book Chapter
Khilwani, N., Harding, J. A., & Mishra, N. (2011). Tool Selection in FMS A Hybrid SA-Tabu Algorithm Based Approach. In M. Tiwari, & J. A. Harding (Eds.), Evolutionary Computing in Advanced Manufacturing (123-150). Wiley.

A major advantage of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) is that a family of related parts can be processed simultaneously using sets of computer controlled workstations, capable of performing a number of different operations and interconnected by a... Read More about Tool Selection in FMS A Hybrid SA-Tabu Algorithm Based Approach.

Policy Instruments in Practice (2011)
Book Chapter
Jordan, A., Benson, D., Wurzel, R., & Zito, A. (2011). Policy Instruments in Practice. In J. S. Dryzek, R. B. Norgaard, & D. Schlosberg (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society (536 - 549). Oxford University Press.

© The several contributors 2011. All rights reserved. This article is about the instruments that have been adopted by various governments to implement the decided policy on climate change. This article surveys the theoretical literature on instrument... Read More about Policy Instruments in Practice.

Consequence-based arguments in legal reasoning: a jurisprudential preface to law and economics (2011)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2012). Consequence-based arguments in legal reasoning: a jurisprudential preface to law and economics. In Law and Philosophy Library; Efficiency, Sustainability, and Justice to Future Generations (31-54). Springer Verlag.

One of the persistent problems surrounding the discipline of law and economics is the role of economic arguments in legal reasoning. The problem has been extensively discussed in the literature but has not been ultimately solved. The present paper is... Read More about Consequence-based arguments in legal reasoning: a jurisprudential preface to law and economics.

Cancer Stem Cells, Models of Study and Implications of Therapy Resistance Mechanisms (2011)
Book Chapter
Frame, F. M., & Maitland, N. J. (2011). Cancer Stem Cells, Models of Study and Implications of Therapy Resistance Mechanisms. In J. S. Rhim, & R. Kremer (Eds.), Human cell transformation (105-118). Springer.

There is now compelling evidence for tumour initiating or cancer stem cells (CSCs) in human cancers. The current evidence of this CSC hypothesis, the CSC phenotype and methods of identification, culture and in vitro modelling will be presented, with... Read More about Cancer Stem Cells, Models of Study and Implications of Therapy Resistance Mechanisms.

Cannons and constitutions (2011)
Book Chapter
Prior, C. W. (2011). Cannons and constitutions. In C. W. A. Prior, & G. Burgess (Eds.), England's Wars of Religion, Revisted (101-124). Ashgate

This chapter examines how the introduction of new ecclesiastical Canons in 1640 touched off a debate among writers who made a direct link between religion and liberty. 

Developing perceptions of interculturality: a troublesome space? (2011)
Book Chapter
Montgomery, C. (2011). Developing perceptions of interculturality: a troublesome space?. In B. Preisler, I. Klitgard, & A. Fabricius (Eds.), Language and learning in the international university: From English uniformity to diversity and hybridity (59-75). Channel View Publications and Multilingual Matters

The way ahead: Strategic studies in the 21st century (2011)
Book Chapter
Lonsdale, D. J. (2011). The way ahead: Strategic studies in the 21st century. In R. Rotte, & C. Schwarz (Eds.), International Security and War: Politics and Grand Strategy in the 21st Century (55-64). Nova Science Publishers

Sensory Awareness (2011)
Book Chapter
(2011). Sensory Awareness. In D. Crickmore, & H. Atherton (Eds.), Learning Disabilities Toward Inclusion (259 - 276). (6th). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier

Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia (2011)
Book Chapter
Bhattarai, K. (2011). Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia. In R. Jha (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of South Asian Economics (258-276). Routledge.

How trade promotes growth and how growth helps to reduce poverty has achieved some attention in the literature. Export-oriented growth strategy has transformed several East Asian countries including South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong within... Read More about Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia.

Complexity and Systems Thinking (2011)
Book Chapter
Merali, Y., & Allen, P. (2011). Complexity and Systems Thinking. In P. Allen, S. Maguire, & B. McKelvey (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Complexity and Management (30-52). SAGE Publications.

Systems thinking has evolved over the millennia as people have looked for ways to articulate the features of the world around them in a coherent manner.1 Starting from the definition of a system as an integrated whole made up of interconnected parts,... Read More about Complexity and Systems Thinking.

The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy (2011)
Book Chapter
Lee, D., & Lee, S. (2011). The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy. In J. Michie (Ed.), The Handbook of Globalisation (407-422). (2nd ed.). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

An analysis of the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy by focusing upon the political economy of the third way developed by the Blair and Brown Governments. The chapter concludes that the onset of the severest global reces... Read More about The political economy of the third way: the relationship between globalisation and national economic policy.