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Heavy loads: Children's burdens of water carrying in Malawi (2013)
Journal Article
Robson, E., Porter, G., Hampshire, K., & Munthali, A. (2013). Heavy loads: Children's burdens of water carrying in Malawi. Waterlines, 32(1), 23-35.

This paper documents water carrying by children aged 9-18 years across Malawi in Southern Africa and evaluates impacts on health and school attendance. At 12 urban and rural field sites quantitative data were collected by questionnaire interviews wit... Read More about Heavy loads: Children's burdens of water carrying in Malawi.

Rural young people's opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in globalised southern africa: The limitations of targeting policies (2013)
Journal Article
Hajdu, F., Ansell, N., Robson, E., & Van Blerk, L. (2013). Rural young people's opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in globalised southern africa: The limitations of targeting policies. International Development Planning Review, 35(2), 155-174.

This paper is based on a study with rural young people in Malawi and Lesotho, focusing on their possibilities for accessing (self)employment in the face of the various constraints imposed by their poor rural situations. Participatory group exercises,... Read More about Rural young people's opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in globalised southern africa: The limitations of targeting policies.

A democratic dialogue? Parliament and human rights in the United Kingdom (2013)
Journal Article
Norton, P. (2013). A democratic dialogue? Parliament and human rights in the United Kingdom. Asia Pacific Law Review, 21(2), 141-166.

© LexisNexis, 2013. The protection of human rights is an inherent feature of a liberaldemocracy, but there is the potential for conflict between the legislature as the representative body of the people and the courts as the interpreters of the laws p... Read More about A democratic dialogue? Parliament and human rights in the United Kingdom.

Individualization of time-motion analysis: A case-cohort example (2013)
Journal Article
Lovell, R., & Abt, G. (2013). Individualization of time-motion analysis: A case-cohort example. International journal of sports physiology and performance : IJSPP, 8(4), 456-458.

Purpose: To report the intensity distribution of Premier League soccer players' external loads during match play, according to recognized physiological thresholds. The authors also present a case in which individualized speed thresholds changed the i... Read More about Individualization of time-motion analysis: A case-cohort example.

Measuring and testing industry effects in strategic management research: an update, assessment, and demonstration (2013)
Journal Article
Sharp, B. M., Bergh, D. D., & Li, M. (2013). Measuring and testing industry effects in strategic management research: an update, assessment, and demonstration. Organizational Research Methods, 16(1), 43-66.

The authors examine how strategy scholars have measured and tested industry effects. They report findings from three studies. First, they replicate the Dess, Ireland, and Hitt (1990) article on industry controls in strategic management research using... Read More about Measuring and testing industry effects in strategic management research: an update, assessment, and demonstration.

Evaluation of risk assessment tools for suspected cancer in general practice: a cohort study (2013)
Journal Article
Hamilton, W., Green, T., Martins, T., Elliott, K., Rubin, G., & Macleod, U. (2013). Evaluation of risk assessment tools for suspected cancer in general practice: a cohort study. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 63(606), 30-36.

Background: Diagnostic delay is deemed to account for an estimated 5000 to 10 000 extra cancer deaths each year in the UK. Many cancer patients do not have symptoms meeting national referral criteria for rapid investigation. Risk assessment tools (RA... Read More about Evaluation of risk assessment tools for suspected cancer in general practice: a cohort study.

Procyclical government spending: a public choice analysis (2013)
Journal Article
Abbott, A., & Jones, P. (2013). Procyclical government spending: a public choice analysis. Public Choice, 154(3-4), 243-258.

Procyclical government spending occurs when government expenditures increase at a faster rate than income in an economic upturn but fall at a faster rate in a recession. Voracity effects occur when competition for increased spending proves more effec... Read More about Procyclical government spending: a public choice analysis.

The capacity of property rights to accommodate social-ecological resilience (2013)
Journal Article
Barnes, R. A. (2013). The capacity of property rights to accommodate social-ecological resilience. Ecology and Society, 18(1), Article 6.

Here, I consider how social-ecological resilience can be facilitated by the use of property rights. Taking a legal perspective on the use of different forms of property, I consider how property rules can manifest the attributes of flexibility, respon... Read More about The capacity of property rights to accommodate social-ecological resilience.

Improving sustainability : what can education learn from other complex systems? (2013)
Journal Article
Bottery, M. (2013). Improving sustainability : what can education learn from other complex systems?. Educational research journal, 28(42767), 11444

This article is concerned with the causes of unsustainability in complex systems, and what educators can learn from such a study. It argues that there are a number of similar stressors in many complex systems. The systems chosen to illustrate this ar... Read More about Improving sustainability : what can education learn from other complex systems?.

The forward rate premium puzzle: a case of misspecification? (2013)
Journal Article
Hall, S. G., Kenjegaliev, A., Swamy, P. A. V. B., & Tavlas, G. S. (2013). The forward rate premium puzzle: a case of misspecification?. Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics / sponsored by the MIT Press and the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 17(3), 265-279.

Empirical studies often report a negative relationship between the difference in the spot exchange rate and the forward premium, violating the forward-rate unbiasedness hypothesis. Using standard regression on a sample of ten exchange rates, we obtai... Read More about The forward rate premium puzzle: a case of misspecification?.

Reducing the time before consulting with symptoms of Lung cancer: a randomised controlled trial in primary care (2013)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Fielding, S., Murchie, P., Johnston, M., Wyke, S., Powell, R., Devereux, G., Nicolson, M., Wilson, P., Ritchie, L., Lee, A. J., Campbell, N. C., & Macleod, U. (2013). Reducing the time before consulting with symptoms of Lung cancer: a randomised controlled trial in primary care. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 63(606), 47-54.

Background Most individuals with lung cancer have symptoms for several months before presenting to their GP. Earlier consulting may improve survival. Aim To evaluate whether a theory-based primary care intervention increased timely consulting of indi... Read More about Reducing the time before consulting with symptoms of Lung cancer: a randomised controlled trial in primary care.

It's All About Sex. The Peculiar Case of Technology and Gender (2013)
Journal Article
Ornella, A. (2013). It's All About Sex. The Peculiar Case of Technology and Gender. Verifiche : Rivista di scienze umane, 42(1-3), 183-213

Gender and technology might seem unrelated on first sight because technology is often considered a neutral other that does not have anything to do with gender. Yet, taking a closer look at the language we use to talk about technology, at the images w... Read More about It's All About Sex. The Peculiar Case of Technology and Gender.

Tetrads of lines spanning PG(7,2) (2013)
Journal Article
Shaw, R., Gordon, N., & Havlicek, H. (2013). Tetrads of lines spanning PG(7,2). Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Simon Stevin, 20(4), 735-752.

Our starting point is a very simple one, namely that of a set L₄ of four mutually skew lines in PG(7,2). Under the natural action of the stabilizer group G(L₄)<GL(8,2) the 255 points of PG(7,2) fall into four orbits ω₁,ω₂,ω₃,ω4, of respective lengths...