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All Outputs (26)

Environmental aspects of growth in the Antarctic molluscs Nacella concinna (Patellidae) and Yoldia eightsi (Nuculanidae) at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (1991)
Nolan, C. P. Environmental aspects of growth in the Antarctic molluscs Nacella concinna (Patellidae) and Yoldia eightsi (Nuculanidae) at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The rate of growth in many localised or sedentary marine species is governed by the effects and variation of environmental parameters.

At high latitudes few studies have investigated this relationship in marine invertebrates and a lack of informat... Read More about Environmental aspects of growth in the Antarctic molluscs Nacella concinna (Patellidae) and Yoldia eightsi (Nuculanidae) at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands.

On-line monitoring of water quality parameters (1991)
Benson, R. L. On-line monitoring of water quality parameters. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Chapter one summarises the development of UK legislation for the protection of the aquatic environment, and highlights current EC legislative requirements for water quality. The need for on-line water quality monitoring and the alternative instrument... Read More about On-line monitoring of water quality parameters.

A study of academic achievement, socioeconomic status, intelligence, gender and their relations to general and academic self-concept of twelfth grade students in the United Arab Emirates (1991)
Aal-Hussain, A. A study of academic achievement, socioeconomic status, intelligence, gender and their relations to general and academic self-concept of twelfth grade students in the United Arab Emirates. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study is based on a multifaceted model of self-concept and aimed to explore the intricacies of the multidimensional nature of self-concept and its relationship to students' academic achievement, socioeconomic status and their intelligence. Sex d... Read More about A study of academic achievement, socioeconomic status, intelligence, gender and their relations to general and academic self-concept of twelfth grade students in the United Arab Emirates.

Factors relating to achievement of high school students in Kuching City, Malaysia (1991)
Ridzuan, A. A. Factors relating to achievement of high school students in Kuching City, Malaysia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study aims to contribute towards a greater understanding of high-school-student learning, with a view to determining remedial action to be taken to upgrade academic achievement, improving learning and teaching strategies and environment, and ass... Read More about Factors relating to achievement of high school students in Kuching City, Malaysia.

The impact of information technology upon primary health care in Great Britain (1991)
Grubb, P. A. The impact of information technology upon primary health care in Great Britain. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This is a study of the impact of information technology on health care in Great Britain. Its major aim is to identify means by which information technology may improve the quality of health care in specific areas within the health services.The study... Read More about The impact of information technology upon primary health care in Great Britain.

Side chain liquid crystal polysiloxanes (1991)
Lee, M. S. K. Side chain liquid crystal polysiloxanes. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Laterally attached side chain liquid crystal polymers (SCLCP), which involve the appendage of the calamitic mesogenic group to the backbone via a flexible spacer in such a way that the axis of the rod-like group lies in the direction of the backbone,... Read More about Side chain liquid crystal polysiloxanes.

Wool textile employers' organisations : Bradford c.1914-1945 (1991)
Magrath, I. E. Wool textile employers' organisations : Bradford c.1914-1945. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Few historians have written in any detailed form about the widespread development of employers' organisations which took place from the later decades of the nineteenth century, and formed the basis of those which exist in all British industries today... Read More about Wool textile employers' organisations : Bradford c.1914-1945.

Effects on fathers of children with disabilities (1991)
Hornby, G. Effects on fathers of children with disabilities. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigates the effects on fathers of parenting children with disabilities. In the first
chapter, models of family functioning and parental adaptation to disability are discussed. This is followed by an overview of the effects of disabi... Read More about Effects on fathers of children with disabilities.

The ideal and the real: some thoughts on theoretical developments in British nursing (1991)
Journal Article
Draper, P. (1991). The ideal and the real: some thoughts on theoretical developments in British nursing. Nurse education today, 11(4), 292-294.

Two types of nursing theory are described: the realistic, whose purpose is to account for the complex reality of nursing; and the idealistic, whose purpose is to describe an idealised world of nursing as it ‘ought to be’.

It is argued that British... Read More about The ideal and the real: some thoughts on theoretical developments in British nursing.

IR laser photochemistry of alkanols and 3,3-dimethyloxetane (1991)
Bishop, M. B. IR laser photochemistry of alkanols and 3,3-dimethyloxetane. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In this work, a pulsed CO₂ laser was used to excite methanol, ethanol, propan-2-ol, butan-2-ol, t-butanol, pentan-2-ol, hexan-2-ol, and 3,3-dimethyloxetane in order to study how these moleCUles absorb laser energy and decompose. The dependence of abs... Read More about IR laser photochemistry of alkanols and 3,3-dimethyloxetane.

Microemulsion and macroemulsion behaviour of systems containing oil, water and nonionic surfactant (1991)
Horsup, D. I. Microemulsion and macroemulsion behaviour of systems containing oil, water and nonionic surfactant. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In this thesis, attempts have been made to correlate some equilibrium properties of microemulsions with the formation and stability of macroemulsions. Studies have been mainly limited to water-in-oil (W/O) systems stabilised by pure nonionic surfacta... Read More about Microemulsion and macroemulsion behaviour of systems containing oil, water and nonionic surfactant.

The fungal production of polyunsaturated fatty acids currently considered to be of dietetic importance (1991)
Kendrick, A. J. The fungal production of polyunsaturated fatty acids currently considered to be of dietetic importance. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Seventeen fungi were grown in submerged culture and their lipids extracted. Accumulation of over 20% (w/w) lipid in the biomass was correlated with the presence of ATP:citrate lyase. Phospholipids contained the greatest proportion of polyunsaturated... Read More about The fungal production of polyunsaturated fatty acids currently considered to be of dietetic importance.

Skill assessment and its relationship to the training and education of nurses caring for people with mental handicap (1991)
Birchenall, P. Skill assessment and its relationship to the training and education of nurses caring for people with mental handicap. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Currently, mental handicap nursing reflects a scenario whereby major advances have occurred within a relatively short time scale. Sophistication not previously recognised has created an educational requirement for a clear relationship between knowled... Read More about Skill assessment and its relationship to the training and education of nurses caring for people with mental handicap.

Chemiluminescence detection in flow injection analysis and liquid chromatography (1991)
Lancaster, J. S. Chemiluminescence detection in flow injection analysis and liquid chromatography. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis describes the development of chemiluminescence procedures for the detection of some organic compounds of interest to the oil industry.

Water soluble tertiary amines were determined using flow-injection analysis with chemiluminescence d... Read More about Chemiluminescence detection in flow injection analysis and liquid chromatography.