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Highly efficient hybrid supercapacitor material from nickel-manganese oxides/MWCNT/PEDOT nanocomposite (2010)
Journal Article
Kiamahalleh, M. V., Cheng, C. I., Sata, S. A., Buniran, S., & Zein, S. H. S. (2010). Highly efficient hybrid supercapacitor material from nickel-manganese oxides/MWCNT/PEDOT nanocomposite. Nano, 5(3), 143-148.

A novel ternary nanocomposite of nickel-manganese oxides/multi-walled carbon nanotubes (NMO/MWCNTs) coated with poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) was prepared by chemical oxidation method. The filling of NMO particles inside MWCNTs and the un... Read More about Highly efficient hybrid supercapacitor material from nickel-manganese oxides/MWCNT/PEDOT nanocomposite.

The ups and downs of coping and sport achievement: An episodic process analysis of within-person associations (2010)
Journal Article
Gaudreau, P., Nicholls, A., & Levy, A. (2010). The ups and downs of coping and sport achievement: An episodic process analysis of within-person associations. Journal of sport & exercise psychology, 32(3), 298-311.

This study examined the relationship between coping and sport achievement at the within-person level of analysis. Fifty-four golfers completed diary measures of coping, stress, and sport achievement after six consecutive rounds of golf. Results of hi... Read More about The ups and downs of coping and sport achievement: An episodic process analysis of within-person associations.

Functional and metabolic adaptation in uraemic cardiomyopathy (2010)
Journal Article
Smith, K., Semple, D., Aksentijević, D., Bhandari, S., & Seymour, A.-M. L. (2010). Functional and metabolic adaptation in uraemic cardiomyopathy. Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition), E2(4), 1492-1501.

Cardiovascular complications are the leading cause of death in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The uraemic heart undergoes substantial remodelling, including left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), an important determinant of heart failure. L... Read More about Functional and metabolic adaptation in uraemic cardiomyopathy.

School-linked sexual health services for young people (SSHYP): a survey and systematic review concerning current models, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and research opportunities (2010)
Journal Article
Owen, J., Carroll, C., Cooke, J., Formby, E., Hayter, M., Hirst, J., Jones, M. L., Stapleton, H., Stevenson, M., & Sutton, A. (2010). School-linked sexual health services for young people (SSHYP): a survey and systematic review concerning current models, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and research opportunities. Health Technology Assessment, 14(30), 1-255.

Background: Report based on a service-mapping study and a systematic review concerning sexual health services for young people, either based in or closely linked to schools. Objectives: To identify current forms of school-based sexual health services... Read More about School-linked sexual health services for young people (SSHYP): a survey and systematic review concerning current models, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and research opportunities.

Curriculum changes using concept maps (2010)
Journal Article
Simon, J. (2010). Curriculum changes using concept maps. Accounting education, 19(3), 301-307.

As accounting educators we are frequently involved in developing and revising the curriculum. This might involve changes to incorporate new content and skills identified from attending conferences, reading texts and journals, peer-reviewing colleague... Read More about Curriculum changes using concept maps.

A translation of state machines to temporal fault trees (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Papadopoulos, Y., Mahmud, N., & Walker, M. (2010, June). A translation of state machines to temporal fault trees. Presented at 2010 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W)

State Machines (SMs) are increasingly being used to gain a better understanding of the failure behaviour of safety-critical systems. In dependability analysis, SMs are translated to other models, such as Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPNs) or c... Read More about A translation of state machines to temporal fault trees.

Phase field modelling of dendrite fragmentation during thermal shock (2010)
Journal Article
Guo, Z., Mi, J. W., & Grant, P. S. (2010). Phase field modelling of dendrite fragmentation during thermal shock. Materials Science Forum, 654-656, 1524-1527.

The dendrite grain growth of a succinonitrile based transparent alloy, their fragmentation under an intense thermal shock and the subsequnet morphology evolution during solidification have been simulated using a two-dimensional binary alloy phase fie... Read More about Phase field modelling of dendrite fragmentation during thermal shock.

Modelling and experiments concerning dendrite re-melting and its role in microstructural evolution in spray formed Ni superalloys (2010)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y., Guo, Z., Zhang, G., Mi, J. W., & Grant, P. S. (2010). Modelling and experiments concerning dendrite re-melting and its role in microstructural evolution in spray formed Ni superalloys. Materials Science Forum, 654-656, 1363-1366.

This paper presents a combined experimental and modelling approach to understand dendrite fragmentation of atomised metal alloy droplets during deposition in spray forming, and to study quantitatively the relationship between this dendrite fragmentat... Read More about Modelling and experiments concerning dendrite re-melting and its role in microstructural evolution in spray formed Ni superalloys.

Refinement of TiB2 in Al-Ti-B grain refiner alloys by ultrasound and the effect on Al grain size (2010)
Journal Article
Shu, D., Sun, B. D., Mi, J. W., & Grant, P. S. (2010). Refinement of TiB2 in Al-Ti-B grain refiner alloys by ultrasound and the effect on Al grain size. Materials Science Forum, 654-656, 958-961.

High-intensity ultrasound was applied during the preparation of an Al-5Ti-1B master alloy when reacting fluoride salts with molten Al. The reaction rate was significantly increased with TiB2 particles of much reduced mean diameter and narrow width sp... Read More about Refinement of TiB2 in Al-Ti-B grain refiner alloys by ultrasound and the effect on Al grain size.

Prospective observational study for comparison of use of Short Form-36 dimension scores and patient responses for derivation of preference based Short Form-6D index to calculate of quality adjusted life years (QALYs) for economic analyses in patients with (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mazari, F., Abdul Rahman, H., Khan, J., Mockford, K., McCollum, P., & Chetter, I. Prospective observational study for comparison of use of Short Form-36 dimension scores and patient responses for derivation of preference based Short Form-6D index to calculate of quality adjusted life years (QALYs) for economic analyses in patients with

Cardiotoxicity of anthracycline agents for the treatment of cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (2010)
Journal Article
Smith, L. A., Cornelius, V. R., Plummer, C. J., Levitt, G., Verrill, M., Canney, P., & Jones, A. (2010). Cardiotoxicity of anthracycline agents for the treatment of cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMC Cancer, 10, Article 337.

Background: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to clarify the risk of early and late cardiotoxicity of anthracycline agents in patients treated for breast or ovarian cancer, lymphoma, myeloma or sarcoma.Methods: Randomized controlled... Read More about Cardiotoxicity of anthracycline agents for the treatment of cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

Conceptualising teachers' professional learning with Web 2.0 (2010)
Journal Article
Burden, K. J. (2010). Conceptualising teachers' professional learning with Web 2.0. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 27(3), 148-161.

Purpose – This paper seeks to identify and develop an exploratory framework for conceptualising how teachers might use the affordances of Web 2.0 technologies to support their own professional learning. Design/methodology/approach – The paper draws o... Read More about Conceptualising teachers' professional learning with Web 2.0.

Cognitive architectures for affect and motivation (2010)
Journal Article
Davis, D. N. (2010). Cognitive architectures for affect and motivation. Cognitive Computation, 2(3), 199-216.

General frameworks of mind map across tasks and domains. By what means can a general architecture know when it has adapted to a specific task, a particular environment or a specific state of a previously known environment? Our current work on this th... Read More about Cognitive architectures for affect and motivation.

Re-enchanting the world: The role of imagination in perception (2010)
Journal Article
Lennon, K. (2010). Re-enchanting the world: The role of imagination in perception. Philosophy : the journal of the British Institute of Philosophical Studies, 85(3), 375-389.

This paper defends what the philosopher Merleau Ponty coins 'the imaginary texture of the real'. It is suggested that the imagination is at work in the everyday world which we perceive, the world as it is for us. In defending this view a concept of t... Read More about Re-enchanting the world: The role of imagination in perception.

Response of river-dominated delta channel networks to permanent changes in river discharge (2010)
Journal Article
Edmonds, D., Slingerland, R., Best, J., Parsons, D., & Smith, N. (2010). Response of river-dominated delta channel networks to permanent changes in river discharge. Geophysical research letters, 37(12), 1-5.

Using numerical experiments, we investigate how river-dominated delta channel networks are likely to respond to changes in river discharge predicted to occur over the next century as a result of environmental change. Our results show for a change in... Read More about Response of river-dominated delta channel networks to permanent changes in river discharge.

Reductive synthesis of metal antimonides (2010)
Journal Article
Kift, R. L., & Prior, T. J. (2010). Reductive synthesis of metal antimonides. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 505(2), 428-433.

A new low temperature synthetic route to binary and ternary metal antimonides is reported. Binary transition metal antimonides prepared include CoSb3, CoSb2, CoSb, NiSb, NiSb2, Cu2Sb and Mo3Sb2; new ternary compositions prepared include the series Co... Read More about Reductive synthesis of metal antimonides.

Myostatin knockout mice increase oxidative muscle phenotype as an adaptive response to exercise (2010)
Journal Article
Matsakas, A., Mouisel, E., Amthor, H., & Patel, K. (2010). Myostatin knockout mice increase oxidative muscle phenotype as an adaptive response to exercise. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 31(2), 111-125.

Myostatin-deficient mice (MSTN (-/-)) display excessive muscle mass and this is associated with a profound loss of oxidative metabolic properties. In this study we analysed the effect of two endurance-based exercise regimes, either a forced high-impa... Read More about Myostatin knockout mice increase oxidative muscle phenotype as an adaptive response to exercise.