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Habitat loss and gain: Influence on habitat attractiveness for estuarine fish communities (2017)
Journal Article
Amorim, E., Ramos, S., Elliott, M., Franco, A., & Bordalo, A. A. (2017). Habitat loss and gain: Influence on habitat attractiveness for estuarine fish communities. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 197, 244-257.

© 2017 Elsevier Ltd Habitat structure and complexity influence the structuring and functioning of fish communities. Habitat changes are one of the main pressures affecting estuarine systems worldwide, yet the degree and rate of change and its impact... Read More about Habitat loss and gain: Influence on habitat attractiveness for estuarine fish communities.

The art of dancing: 21st-century concertos for trumpet, piano and strings (2017)
Digital Artefact
Desbruslais, S. (2017). The art of dancing: 21st-century concertos for trumpet, piano and strings. [CD]

Simon Desbruslais returns to disc on Signum with an album that continues to expand the repertoire of the trumpet even further, with four new commissions for Trumpet, Piano and String Orchestra

Toby Young’s The Art of Dancing is described by the co... Read More about The art of dancing: 21st-century concertos for trumpet, piano and strings.

“Intermittent claudication a real pain in the calf”—Patient experience of diagnosis and treatment with a supervised exercise program (2017)
Journal Article
Harwood, A., Broadbent, E., Totty, J. P., Smith, G. E., & Chetter, I. C. (2017). “Intermittent claudication a real pain in the calf”—Patient experience of diagnosis and treatment with a supervised exercise program. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 35(3), 131-135.

© 2017 Society for Vascular Nursing, Inc. Intermittent claudication (IC) is a common condition which has severe impacts on quality of life, physical function, and mental health. Supervised exercise is the recommended first-line treatment for patients... Read More about “Intermittent claudication a real pain in the calf”—Patient experience of diagnosis and treatment with a supervised exercise program.

American politics as a transnational popular narrative: Narratological Structures of shōnen manga and their cross-cultural readings in Kaiji Kawaguchi's Eagle (1997-2001) (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2017, August). American politics as a transnational popular narrative: Narratological Structures of shōnen manga and their cross-cultural readings in Kaiji Kawaguchi's Eagle (1997-2001). Paper presented at International Workshop on Reflective Transitions of Politics in Japanese Art

Prescribing non-opioid drugs in end-stage kidney disease (2017)
Journal Article
Wilcock, A., Charlesworth, S., Twycross, R., Waddington, A., Worthington, O., Murtagh, F. E., Beavis, J., King, S., Mihalyo, M., & Kotlinska-Lemieszek, A. (2017). Prescribing non-opioid drugs in end-stage kidney disease. Journal of pain and symptom management, 54(5), 776-787.

Palliative care services are increasingly involved in the care of patients with chronic kidney disease, either alone or as a comorbid condition. Because renal impairment often changes the pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic effects of a drug, this... Read More about Prescribing non-opioid drugs in end-stage kidney disease.

A fuzzy Bayesian network approach for risk analysis in process industries (2017)
Journal Article
Yazdi, M., & Kabir, S. (2017). A fuzzy Bayesian network approach for risk analysis in process industries. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 111, 507-519.

Fault tree analysis is a widely used method of risk assessment in process industries. However, the classical fault tree approach has its own limitations such as the inability to deal with uncertain failure data and to consider statistical dependence... Read More about A fuzzy Bayesian network approach for risk analysis in process industries.

Reconstructing subducted oceanic lithosphere by "reverse-engineering" slab geometries: the northern Philippine Sea Plate (2017)
Journal Article
Pownall, J. M., Lister, G. S., & Spakman, W. (2017). Reconstructing subducted oceanic lithosphere by "reverse-engineering" slab geometries: the northern Philippine Sea Plate. Tectonics, 36(9), 1814-1834.

Subducting slabs commonly acquire complex geometries from the migration of subduction trenches, slab‐mantle interaction, slab tearing, and collision of slabs at depth. Although it is possible to construct three‐dimensional models of subducted slabs u... Read More about Reconstructing subducted oceanic lithosphere by "reverse-engineering" slab geometries: the northern Philippine Sea Plate.

Systematic review of pharmacological therapies for the management of ischaemic pain in patients with non-reconstructable critical limb ischaemia (2017)
Journal Article
Laoire, Á. N., & Murtagh, F. E. (2018). Systematic review of pharmacological therapies for the management of ischaemic pain in patients with non-reconstructable critical limb ischaemia. BMJ supportive & palliative care, 8(4), 400-410.

Background Critical limb ischaemia (CLI) is a severe manifestation of peripheral arterial disease, characterised by chronic ischaemic rest pain, ulcers or gangrene. Management of ischaemic pain is challenging in patients with no options for revascula... Read More about Systematic review of pharmacological therapies for the management of ischaemic pain in patients with non-reconstructable critical limb ischaemia.

Relationships between mental toughness, barriers to exercise, and exercise behaviour in undergraduate students (2017)
Journal Article
Stamp, E., Crust, L., Swann, C. F., & Perry, J. (2017). Relationships between mental toughness, barriers to exercise, and exercise behaviour in undergraduate students. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48(3), 262-277

The present study explored relationships between mental toughness (MT), barriers to exercise, and self-reported exercise behaviour in university students. Perceived barriers to exercise are important since previous work has identified barriers as str... Read More about Relationships between mental toughness, barriers to exercise, and exercise behaviour in undergraduate students.

Synthesis, Conformational Properties and DFT Computational Studies of Polymethyl-Substituted [3.3]Metacyclophanes (2017)
Journal Article
Islam, M. M., Akther, T., Rahman, S., Georghiou, P. E., Matsumoto, T., Tanaka, J., Redshaw, C., & Yamato, T. (2017). Synthesis, Conformational Properties and DFT Computational Studies of Polymethyl-Substituted [3.3]Metacyclophanes. ChemistrySelect, 2(24), 7255-7262.

Polymethyl substituted [3.3]metacyclophanes (MCPs) 4 a–d, were synthesized by the TosMIC coupling method followed by Wolff–Kishner reduction of the corresponding polymethyl-substituted [3.3]MCP-2,11-diones (3 a–d). 1H NMR spectroscopy reveals that bo... Read More about Synthesis, Conformational Properties and DFT Computational Studies of Polymethyl-Substituted [3.3]Metacyclophanes.

Assessment of ibrutinib plus rituximab in front-line CLL (FLAIR trial): study protocol for a phase III randomised controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Collett, L., Howard, D. R., Munir, T., McParland, L., Oughton, J. B., Rawstron, A. C., Hockaday, A., Dimbleby, C., Phillips, D., McMahon, K., Hulme, C., Allsup, D., Bloor, A., & Hillmen, P. (2017). Assessment of ibrutinib plus rituximab in front-line CLL (FLAIR trial): study protocol for a phase III randomised controlled trial. Trials, 18(1), Article 387.

Treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) has seen a substantial improvement over the last few years. Combination immunochemotherapy, such as fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR), is now standard first-line therapy. How... Read More about Assessment of ibrutinib plus rituximab in front-line CLL (FLAIR trial): study protocol for a phase III randomised controlled trial.

Aposematism in the burying beetle? Dual function of anal fluid in parental care and chemical defense (2017)
Journal Article
Lindstedt, C., Boncoraglio, G., Cotter, S., Gilbert, J., & Kilner, R. M. (2017). Aposematism in the burying beetle? Dual function of anal fluid in parental care and chemical defense. Behavioral ecology, 28(6), 1414-1422.

© 2017 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology. All rights reserved. Burying beetles (Nicrophorus vespilloides) bear distinctive and variable orange-black patterning on their ely... Read More about Aposematism in the burying beetle? Dual function of anal fluid in parental care and chemical defense.

The likelihood interpretation as the foundation of fuzzy set theory (2017)
Journal Article
Cattaneo, M. E. G. V. (2017). The likelihood interpretation as the foundation of fuzzy set theory. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 90, 333-340.

In order to use fuzzy sets in real-world applications, an interpretation for the values of membership functions is needed. The history of fuzzy set theory shows that the interpretation in terms of statistical likelihood is very natural, although the... Read More about The likelihood interpretation as the foundation of fuzzy set theory.

From Molecules to Management: Mechanisms and Consequences of Locust Phase Polyphenism (2017)
Book Chapter
Cullen, D. A., Cease, A. J., Latchininsky, A. V., Ayali, A., Berry, K., Buhl, J., De Keyser, R., Foquet, B., Hadrich, J. C., Matheson, T., Ott, S. R., Poot-Pech, M. A., Robinson, B. E., Smith, J. M., Song, H., Sword, G. A., Vanden Broeck, J., Verdonck, R., Verlinden, H., & Rogers, S. M. (2017). From Molecules to Management: Mechanisms and Consequences of Locust Phase Polyphenism. In H. Verlinden (Ed.), Insect Epigenetics (167-285). Academic Press.

Locusts are grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) that are characterised by their capacity for extreme population density-dependent polyphenism, transforming between a cryptic solitarious phase that avoids other locusts, and a swarming gregarious phas... Read More about From Molecules to Management: Mechanisms and Consequences of Locust Phase Polyphenism.

Advocate Asaduzzaman Siddqui v. Bangladesh: Bangladesh's Dilemma with Judges' Impeachment (2017)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, M. J. A., & Saha, N. K. (2017). Advocate Asaduzzaman Siddqui v. Bangladesh: Bangladesh's Dilemma with Judges' Impeachment. Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Quarterly, 3(3), 7-27

Like the major constitutional systems of the world, Bangladesh had a parliamentary removal process for the judges of the highest court. The system was however changed by the military rulers of late 1970s. Very recently, the parliament of Bangladesh a... Read More about Advocate Asaduzzaman Siddqui v. Bangladesh: Bangladesh's Dilemma with Judges' Impeachment.

Animals can assign novel odours to a known category (2017)
Journal Article
Wright, H. F., Wilkinson, A., Croxton, R. S., Graham, D. K., Harding, R. C., Hodkinson, H. L., Keep, B., Cracknell, N. R., & Zulch, H. E. (2017). Animals can assign novel odours to a known category. Scientific reports, 7(1), Article 9019.

The ability to identify a novel stimulus as a member of a known category allows an organism to
respond appropriately towards it. Categorisation is thus a fundamental component of cognition and
an essential tool for processing and responding to unkn... Read More about Animals can assign novel odours to a known category.

Exercise tolerance during VO2 max testing is a multifactorial psychobiological phenomenon (2017)
Journal Article
McNaughton, L. R., Midgley, A. W., Earle, K., McNaugton, L. R., Siegler, J. C., Clough, P., & Earle, F. (2017). Exercise tolerance during VO2 max testing is a multifactorial psychobiological phenomenon. Research in Sports Medicine, 25(4), 480-494.

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Fifty-nine men completed a VO 2max test and a questionnaire to establish reasons for test termination, perceived exercise reserve (difference between actual test duration and the duratio... Read More about Exercise tolerance during VO2 max testing is a multifactorial psychobiological phenomenon.

A microfluidic device for rapid screening of E. coli O157:H7 based on IFAST and ATP bioluminescence assay for water analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Ngamsom, B., Truyts, A., Fourie, L., Kumar, S., Tarn, M. D., Iles, A., Moodley, K., Land, K. J., & Pamme, N. (2017). A microfluidic device for rapid screening of E. coli O157:H7 based on IFAST and ATP bioluminescence assay for water analysis. Chemistry: a European journal, 23(52), 12754-12757.

© 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim We present a simple microfluidic system for rapid screening of Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 employing the specificity of immunomagnetic separation (IMS) via immiscible filtration assisted by s... Read More about A microfluidic device for rapid screening of E. coli O157:H7 based on IFAST and ATP bioluminescence assay for water analysis.