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All Outputs (18)

Principles for fisheries management in areas beyond national jurisdiction—the essential role of incentive-based approaches (2018)
Anderson, J., Asche, F., Barnes, R., Bush, S., Gentner, B., Hufflett, C., Libecap, G., Maharaj, V., Nelson, L., Norris, W., Perotti, G., Tietze, U., & Wachowicz, K. (2018). Principles for fisheries management in areas beyond national jurisdiction—the essential role of incentive-based approaches. Washington, DC: World Wildlife Fund

This publication was prepared under the auspices of a multidisciplinary Global Think Tank (GloTT) for the World Bank’s Ocean Partnerships for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: Models for Innovation and Reform (OPP). The World Bank’... Read More about Principles for fisheries management in areas beyond national jurisdiction—the essential role of incentive-based approaches.

“I am talking about it because I want to stop it”: child sexual abuse and sexual violence against women in British South Asian communities (2018)
Journal Article
Gill, A. K., & Harrison, K. (2019). “I am talking about it because I want to stop it”: child sexual abuse and sexual violence against women in British South Asian communities. The British journal of criminology, 59(3), 511–529.

This paper explores the role of socio-cultural factors in violence against women and girls, focusing on child sexual abuse (CSA) and sexual violence (SV) in British South Asian communities. Using examples from thirteen in-depth interviews with surviv... Read More about “I am talking about it because I want to stop it”: child sexual abuse and sexual violence against women in British South Asian communities.

Achieving environmental sustainability in Nigeria’s extractive industry : how viable is a human rights approach to environmental protection? (2018)
Maduekwe, N. U. C. Achieving environmental sustainability in Nigeria’s extractive industry : how viable is a human rights approach to environmental protection?. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The Nigerian extractive industry illustrates the tension between economic development on the one hand and environmental sustainability on the other. As of 2017, the Central Bank of Nigeria Annual Report indicates that oil revenue constituted 56.2% of... Read More about Achieving environmental sustainability in Nigeria’s extractive industry : how viable is a human rights approach to environmental protection?.

Assessing the application of innovative incentive-based tools to reform highly migratory fisheries from regional to global scale (2018)
Barnes, R. (2018). Assessing the application of innovative incentive-based tools to reform highly migratory fisheries from regional to global scale. Washington, DC: WWF/FAO

This report provides an assessment of the past performance and future outlook of innovative, incentive-based tools to reform highly migratory and transboundary fisheries at regional and global scales. This review seeks to identify legal, financial, a... Read More about Assessing the application of innovative incentive-based tools to reform highly migratory fisheries from regional to global scale.

Environmental rights in marine spaces (2018)
Book Chapter
Barnes, R. (2018). Environmental rights in marine spaces. In S. Bogojevic, & R. Rayfuse (Eds.), Environmental rights in Europe and beyond. Bloomsbury Publishing

Defining Terrorism in Pakistani Anti-Terrorism Law (2018)
Journal Article
Iqbal, K., & Shah, N. A. (2018). Defining Terrorism in Pakistani Anti-Terrorism Law. Global journal of comparative law, 7(2), 272-302.

We critically examine the definition of ‘terrorism’ in the Anti-Terrorism 1997 of Pakistan and as it is interpreted by the Supreme Court of Pakistan under the principle of legality in criminal and human rights law standards. We conclude that the defi... Read More about Defining Terrorism in Pakistani Anti-Terrorism Law.

Article 158(3) of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the Preliminary Reference Procedure of the European Union (2018)
Journal Article
Jiang, P., & Villalta Puig, G. (2018). Article 158(3) of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the Preliminary Reference Procedure of the European Union. Chicago journal of international law, 19(1), 1-29

This Article analyses the preliminary reference procedure under Article 158(3) of the Hong Kong Basic Law and its transplantation from Article 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Preliminary reference procedures require courts... Read More about Article 158(3) of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the Preliminary Reference Procedure of the European Union.

Restorative justice and the therapeutic tradition: Looking into the future (2018)
Book Chapter
Johnstone, G. (2018). Restorative justice and the therapeutic tradition: Looking into the future. In Routledge International Handbook of Restorative Justice (395-408). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

If asked to explain the essence of restorative justice in one or two sentences, many advocates and practitioners might employ Nils Christie’s formula about the state and its actors stealing conflicts which belong to crime victims and offenders and ex... Read More about Restorative justice and the therapeutic tradition: Looking into the future.

Not ‘us’ and ‘them’: towards a normative legal theory of mental health vulnerability (2018)
Journal Article
Bielby, P. (2019). Not ‘us’ and ‘them’: towards a normative legal theory of mental health vulnerability. International journal of law in context, 15(1), 51-67.

In this article, I develop the basis of a normative legal theory of mental health vulnerability. In Section 1, I conceptualise mental health vulnerability by integrating a universal understanding of vulnerability with a subjective-evaluative, psychos... Read More about Not ‘us’ and ‘them’: towards a normative legal theory of mental health vulnerability.

Do constructive trusts deter disloyalty? (2018)
Journal Article
Hicks, A. D. (2018). Do constructive trusts deter disloyalty?. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 69(2), 147-173

Constructive trusts of disloyal fiduciary gain often are justified by the argument of deterrence. For there to be effective deterrence two conditions must be satisfied: first, potentially disloyal fiduciaries must be sufficiently informed, directly o... Read More about Do constructive trusts deter disloyalty?.

Israeli air strikes in Syria, 2003 and 2007 (2018)
Book Chapter
Moir, L. (2018). Israeli air strikes in Syria, 2003 and 2007. In T. Ruys, O. Corten, & A. Hofer (Eds.), International law and the use of force: A case-based approach (662-672). Oxford University Press

Drivers and difficulties in the economic relationship between Australia and the European Union: from conflict to cooperation (2018)
Journal Article
Villalta Puig, G. (2018). Drivers and difficulties in the economic relationship between Australia and the European Union: from conflict to cooperation. Australian journal of international affairs : the journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, 72(3), 240-254.

Economic relations between Australia and the European Union (EU) have always been strong, but they have not always been easy. They have been difficult for Australia because it associated the EU with the loss of the UK preferential export market on it... Read More about Drivers and difficulties in the economic relationship between Australia and the European Union: from conflict to cooperation.

Judicial Resource Book on Violence Against Women for Asia : Combating Violence against Women and Girls for Cambodia, India, Pakistan and Thailand (2018)
Shah, N. (2018). Judicial Resource Book on Violence Against Women for Asia : Combating Violence against Women and Girls for Cambodia, India, Pakistan and Thailand. Commonwealth Secretariat.

This resource book aims both to deepen understanding of the varying forms of VAWG and to raise awareness of the important role that the judiciary can play in tackling them. It is designed to be used by judicial offcers and other professionals as a pr... Read More about Judicial Resource Book on Violence Against Women for Asia : Combating Violence against Women and Girls for Cambodia, India, Pakistan and Thailand.

The Governance of Parliament (2018)
Book Chapter
Yong, B. (2018). The Governance of Parliament. In A. Horne, & G. Drewry (Eds.), Parliament and the Law (75-102). (2nd). Hart Publishing

Paternalism and contract law (2018)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2018). Paternalism and contract law. In K. Grill, & J. Hanna (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of the philosophy of paternalism (293–310). Routledge

Les nudges sont-ils des outils extra-juridiques? (2018)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2018). Les nudges sont-ils des outils extra-juridiques?. In A. Brunon-Ernst, & M. Bozzo-Rey (Eds.), Nudges et normativités: Généalogies, Concepts et Applications (121–145)