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Association of flame retardants, polybrominated diethyl ethers (PBDEs), with vitamin D in female subjects (2023)
Journal Article
Butler, A. E., Brennan, E., Drage, D. S., Sathyapalan, T., & Atkin, S. L. (2023). Association of flame retardants, polybrominated diethyl ethers (PBDEs), with vitamin D in female subjects. Chemosphere, 338, Article 139488.

Introduction: A class of flame retardants, polybrominated diethyl ethers (PBDEs), are known endocrine disrupters and may induce the hepatic enzymes CYP24 and CYP3A that promote 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D3. Therefore, this study examined the associ... Read More about Association of flame retardants, polybrominated diethyl ethers (PBDEs), with vitamin D in female subjects.

'I was really upset and it put me off': The emotional impact of assessment feedback on first-year undergraduate students (2023)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. G. D. (2023). 'I was really upset and it put me off': The emotional impact of assessment feedback on first-year undergraduate students. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 11(2), 62-74.

Assessment feedback can have an emotional impact on students. This qualitative research contributes to the existing body of literature on students' emotional reactions to assessment feedback by investigating the negative responses to summative feedba... Read More about 'I was really upset and it put me off': The emotional impact of assessment feedback on first-year undergraduate students.

Eroding coastal landfill sites: the relative contribution of coastal and inland mining wastes to metal flux along a post-industrial coastline (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Riley, A., Onnis, P., Gandy, C., Kanu, C., Umeobika, C., Cameron, J., Burke, I., Hudson-Edwards, K., Jarvis, A., & Mayes, W. (2023, July). Eroding coastal landfill sites: the relative contribution of coastal and inland mining wastes to metal flux along a post-industrial coastline. Presented at Goldschmidt2023, Lyon, France

Historically, coastal areas of the United Kingdom were extensively used for the disposal of wastes from a range of municipal and industrial sources, including coal mining, metal mining, and mineral processing. Many of these deposits are releasing met... Read More about Eroding coastal landfill sites: the relative contribution of coastal and inland mining wastes to metal flux along a post-industrial coastline.

Predicting cognitive decline using neuropsychiatric symptoms in prodromal Lewy body dementia: A longitudinal study (2023)
Journal Article
Wright, L. M., Donaghy, P. C., Burn, D. J., Taylor, J. P., O'Brien, J. T., Yarnall, A. J., Matthews, F. E., Firbank, M. J., Thomas, A. J., & Lawson, R. A. (2023). Predicting cognitive decline using neuropsychiatric symptoms in prodromal Lewy body dementia: A longitudinal study. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 113, Article 105762.

Introduction: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in Lewy body dementias (LBD) occur frequently and early in disease progression. Such symptoms are associated with worse quality of life, caregiver burden and functional limitations. Limited evidence exist... Read More about Predicting cognitive decline using neuropsychiatric symptoms in prodromal Lewy body dementia: A longitudinal study.

Connecting the science and practice of implementation – applying the lens of context to inform study design in implementation research (2023)
Journal Article
Harvey, G., Rycroft-Malone, J., Seers, K., Wilson, P., Cassidy, C., Embrett, M., Hu, J., Pearson, M., Semenic, S., Zhao, J., & Graham, I. D. (2023). Connecting the science and practice of implementation – applying the lens of context to inform study design in implementation research. Frontiers in Health Services, 3, Article 1162762.

The saying “horses for courses” refers to the idea that different people and things possess different skills or qualities that are appropriate in different situations. In this paper, we apply the analogy of “horses for courses” to stimulate a debate... Read More about Connecting the science and practice of implementation – applying the lens of context to inform study design in implementation research.

I am a scientist: Overcoming biased assumptions around diversity in science through explicit representation of scientists in lectures (2023)
Journal Article
Henri, D. C., Coates, K., & Hubbard, K. (2023). I am a scientist: Overcoming biased assumptions around diversity in science through explicit representation of scientists in lectures. PLoS ONE, 18(7), Article e0271010.

The lack of diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is a significant issue for the sector. Many organisations and educators have identified lack of representation of historically marginalised groups within teaching mater... Read More about I am a scientist: Overcoming biased assumptions around diversity in science through explicit representation of scientists in lectures.

Eclogites and basement terrane tectonics in the northern arm of the Grenville orogen, NW Scotland (2023)
Journal Article
Bird, A., Thirlwall, M., Strachan, R. A., Millar, I. L., Dempsey, E. D., & Hardman, K. (2023). Eclogites and basement terrane tectonics in the northern arm of the Grenville orogen, NW Scotland. Geoscience Frontiers, 14(6), Article 101668.

The presence of eclogites within continental crust is a key indicator of collisional orogenesis. Eclogites within the Eastern Glenelg basement inlier of the Northern Highland Terrane (NHT) have been re-dated in order to provide more accurate constrai... Read More about Eclogites and basement terrane tectonics in the northern arm of the Grenville orogen, NW Scotland.

The rise of Confucian Citizens in China: Theoretical reflections and empirical explorations (2023)
Wang, C. (2023). The rise of Confucian Citizens in China: Theoretical reflections and empirical explorations. Routledge.

This book explores the relationship between Confucianism and citizenship and the rise of Confucian citizens in contemporary China. Combining theoretical and empirical approaches to the topic, the book constructs new frameworks to examine the nuances... Read More about The rise of Confucian Citizens in China: Theoretical reflections and empirical explorations.

Non-pharmacological interventions to manage psychological distress in patients living with cancer: a systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Paley, C. A., Boland, J. W., Santarelli, M., Murtagh, F. E., Ziegler, L., & Chapman, E. J. (2023). Non-pharmacological interventions to manage psychological distress in patients living with cancer: a systematic review. BMC Palliative Care, 22(1), Article 88.

BACKGROUND: Psychological distress is common in patients with cancer; interfering with physical and psychological wellbeing, and hindering management of physical symptoms. Our aim was to systematically review published evidence on non-pharmacological... Read More about Non-pharmacological interventions to manage psychological distress in patients living with cancer: a systematic review.

Spirometry services in England post-pandemic and the potential role of AI support software: a qualitative study of challenges and opportunities (2023)
Journal Article
Doe, G., Taylor, S., Topalovic, M., Russell, R., Evans, R. A., Maes, J., Van Orshovon, K., Sunjaya, A., Scott, D., Prevost, A. T., El-Emir, E., Harvey, J., Hopkinson, N. S., Kon, S. S., Patel, S., Jarrold, I., Spain, N., Spain, N., Man, W. D., & Hutchinson, A. (2023). Spirometry services in England post-pandemic and the potential role of AI support software: a qualitative study of challenges and opportunities. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 73(737), e915-e923.

BACKGROUND: Spirometry services to diagnose and monitor lung disease in primary care were identified as a priority in the NHS Long Term Plan, and are restarting post-COVID-19 pandemic in England; however, evidence regarding best practice is limited.... Read More about Spirometry services in England post-pandemic and the potential role of AI support software: a qualitative study of challenges and opportunities.

Surgical and rehabilitation outcomes of patients undergoing through knee amputation compared with above knee amputation (2023)
Journal Article
Gordon, H., Hebenton, J., Davie-Smith, F., Twiddy, M., Smith, G., & Carradice, D. (2023). Surgical and rehabilitation outcomes of patients undergoing through knee amputation compared with above knee amputation. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 2(4), 208-214.

Background: Through knee amputation (TKA) may offer benefits over above knee amputation (AKA) in patients unsuitable for below knee amputation. This retrospective analysis compared surgical and rehabilitation outcomes post TKA and AKA.

Methods: Al... Read More about Surgical and rehabilitation outcomes of patients undergoing through knee amputation compared with above knee amputation.

The factors impacting Critical Care Nurses' decision-making processes in continuous renal replacement therapy. (2023)
Smith, N. D. The factors impacting Critical Care Nurses' decision-making processes in continuous renal replacement therapy. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) is a common treatment intervention in critical care units worldwide. It provides supportive therapy for critically ill patients with severe kidney dysfunction. Efforts to optimise its clinical... Read More about The factors impacting Critical Care Nurses' decision-making processes in continuous renal replacement therapy..

The ecological fate of microplastic in the nearshore environment of South Georgia, a sub-Antarctic island (2023)
Buckingham, J. The ecological fate of microplastic in the nearshore environment of South Georgia, a sub-Antarctic island. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Microplastic is a marine pollutant of global concern which has managed to penetrate remote regions. This thesis describes the first comprehensive assessment of microplastics in the nearshore environment of South Georgia, an island in the s... Read More about The ecological fate of microplastic in the nearshore environment of South Georgia, a sub-Antarctic island.

Implementation of child-centred outcome measures in routine paediatric healthcare practice: a systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Scott, H. M., Braybrook, D., Harðardóttir, D., Ellis-Smith, C., Harding, R., Anderson, A., Bayly, J., Bate, L., Bluebond-Langner, M., Box, D., Bristowe, K., Burman, R., Chambers, L., Coombes, L., Craft, A., Craig, F., Delaney, A., Downie, J., Downing, J., Farsides, B., …Whiting, M. (2023). Implementation of child-centred outcome measures in routine paediatric healthcare practice: a systematic review. Health and quality of life outcomes, 21(1), Article 63.

Background: Person-centred outcome measures (PCOMs) are commonly used in routine adult healthcare to measure and improve outcomes, but less attention has been paid to PCOMs in children’s services. The aim of this systematic review is to identify and... Read More about Implementation of child-centred outcome measures in routine paediatric healthcare practice: a systematic review.

Real life test of a novel super performance dew point cooling system in operational live data centre (2023)
Journal Article
Ma, X., Zeng, C., Zhu, Z., Zhao, X., Xiao, X., Akhlaghi, Y. G., & Shittu, S. (2023). Real life test of a novel super performance dew point cooling system in operational live data centre. Applied energy, 348, Article 121483.

This paper presents the development and application of a super performance dew point cooling technology for data centres. The novel super performance dew point cooler showed considerably improved energy saving and carbon reduction for data centre coo... Read More about Real life test of a novel super performance dew point cooling system in operational live data centre.

LViT: Language meets Vision Transformer in Medical Image Segmentation (2023)
Journal Article
Li, Z., Li, Y., Li, Q., Wang, P., Guo, D., Lu, L., Jin, D., Zhang, Y., & Hong, Q. (2024). LViT: Language meets Vision Transformer in Medical Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 43(1), 96-107.

Deep learning has been widely used in medical image segmentation and other aspects. However, the performance of existing medical image segmentation models has been limited by the challenge of obtaining sufficient high-quality labeled data due to the... Read More about LViT: Language meets Vision Transformer in Medical Image Segmentation.

Role of zinc in bulk precipitation from the steaming process of potable water (2023)
Journal Article
Al-Gailani, A., Taylor, M. J., & Barker, R. (2023). Role of zinc in bulk precipitation from the steaming process of potable water. Heat and Mass Transfer,

Water chemistry plays an important role in fouling kinetics and morphology. This work investigates the influence of zinc cations in potable water, specifically the kinetics of crystallisation and their effect on the fouling layer during the operation... Read More about Role of zinc in bulk precipitation from the steaming process of potable water.

The Energy-Saving Potential of Air-Side Economisers in Modular Data Centres: Analysis of Opportunities and Risks in Different Climates (2023)
Journal Article
Badiei, A., Jadowski, E., Sadati, S., Beizaee, A., Li, J., Khajenoori, L., Nasriani, H. R., Li, G., & Xiao, X. (2023). The Energy-Saving Potential of Air-Side Economisers in Modular Data Centres: Analysis of Opportunities and Risks in Different Climates. Sustainability, 15(14), Article 10777.

This study examines the feasibility of utilising outside air for ‘free cooling’ in modular data centres through the implementation of an air-side economiser, as an alternative to traditional mechanical cooling systems. The objective is to offset the... Read More about The Energy-Saving Potential of Air-Side Economisers in Modular Data Centres: Analysis of Opportunities and Risks in Different Climates.

Advancements in the Treatment of CLL: The Rise of Zanubrutinib as a Preferred Therapeutic Option (2023)
Journal Article
Molica, S., Tam, C., Allsup, D., & Polliack, A. (2023). Advancements in the Treatment of CLL: The Rise of Zanubrutinib as a Preferred Therapeutic Option. Cancers, 15(14), Article 3737.

Ibrutinib, the first-in-class Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitor (BTKi), is a commonly deployed therapeutic option for previously untreated and relapsed/refractory (R/R) patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The use of ibrutinib is, howev... Read More about Advancements in the Treatment of CLL: The Rise of Zanubrutinib as a Preferred Therapeutic Option.

Biochemical characterisation of the interaction of the myosin light chain phosphatase with the regulatory subunits of protein kinase A in cells of the circulatory system (2023)
Saldanha, P. A. C. B. D. S. Biochemical characterisation of the interaction of the myosin light chain phosphatase with the regulatory subunits of protein kinase A in cells of the circulatory system. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Regulation of actomyosin-driven contraction is important for numerous cardiovascular cell functions, including smooth muscle tone, endothelial cell permeability and platelet shape change and spreading. These processes are primarily regulated by the p... Read More about Biochemical characterisation of the interaction of the myosin light chain phosphatase with the regulatory subunits of protein kinase A in cells of the circulatory system.