Monopile-induced turbulence and sediment redistribution form visible wakes in offshore wind farms
Journal Article
Bailey, L. P., Dorrell, R., Kostakis, I., McKee, D., Parsons, D. R., Rees, J., Strong, J. A., Simmons, S., & Forster, R. M. (2024). Monopile-induced turbulence and sediment redistribution form visible wakes in offshore wind farms. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, Article 1383726.
Offshore wind farms are becoming an increasingly common feature in the marine environment as a renewable energy source. There is a growing body of evidence on the effects of wind farms on the seabed and its organisms. However, an important and unders... Read More about Monopile-induced turbulence and sediment redistribution form visible wakes in offshore wind farms.