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Dr Jon Bolland's Outputs (4)

Downstream passage of silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla) at a pumping station with a gravity sluice (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, N. J., Wright, R. M., Cowx, I. G., Murphy, L. A., & Bolland, J. D. (2020). Downstream passage of silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla) at a pumping station with a gravity sluice. Ecological engineering, Article 106069.

The European eel (Anguilla anguilla (L.)) is critically endangered after a multi-decadal decline. Anthropogenic disruption to downstream migration, including at water control structures such as pumping stations, is thought to be one of the contributi... Read More about Downstream passage of silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla) at a pumping station with a gravity sluice.

The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, N. J., Taylor, M. J., Harvey, J. P., Angelopoulos, N. V., Smith, M. A., Noble, R. A., Tinsdeall, M., Bolland, J. D., Baxter, J., Baker, N., Taylor, M., Cowx, I. G., Harvey, J., Nunn, A. D., Angelopoulos, N., Smith, M., Noble, R., Tinsdeall, M., Baxter, J., & Bolland, J. (2020). The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration. Water Resources Research, 56(6), Article e2018WR024196.

Natural hydrological regimes encompass varying seasonal flow characteristics that provide fish with cues and opportunities for upstream spawning migrations, but these flows are often modified/absent in regulated rivers. Compensatory artificial flows... Read More about The Response of River-Resident Fish to Reservoir Freshet Releases of Varying Profiles Intended to Facilitate a Spawning Migration.

Comparison of attraction, entrance and passage of downstream migrant American eels (Anguilla rostrata) through airlift and siphon deep entrance bypass systems (2018)
Journal Article
Baker, N., Haro, A., Watten, B., Noreika, J., & Bolland, J. D. (2019). Comparison of attraction, entrance and passage of downstream migrant American eels (Anguilla rostrata) through airlift and siphon deep entrance bypass systems. Ecological engineering, 126, 74-82.

© 2018 Downstream migrating anguillid eels face many barriers including turbines and pumps at impoundments for water abstraction, power generation and water level control, when attempting to exit the freshwater catchment to reach spawning grounds. Mu... Read More about Comparison of attraction, entrance and passage of downstream migrant American eels (Anguilla rostrata) through airlift and siphon deep entrance bypass systems.

Direct and indirect impacts of pumping station operation on downstream migration of critically endangered European eel (2018)
Journal Article
Bolland, J. D., Murphy, L. A., Stanford, R. J., Angelopoulos, N. V., Baker, N. J., Wright, R. M., Reeds, J. D., & Cowx, I. G. (2019). Direct and indirect impacts of pumping station operation on downstream migration of critically endangered European eel. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 26(1), 76-85.

© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Downstream passage of European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) in catchments with pump(s) for water level management is a major concern. Catchment-wide acoustic telemetry revealed silver eels quickly migrated downstream thro... Read More about Direct and indirect impacts of pumping station operation on downstream migration of critically endangered European eel.