Dr Angel Urbina Garcia
Post Nominals | PhD., MPsych., CPsychol., MBPsS, FHEA, BA (Hons) |
Biography | Dr Urbina-Garcia is a Chartered Psychologist in the UK (BPS), a developmental psychologist and an expert in online learning. He is the leading editor of the newest book on School Transitions published by the world-leading publisher Springer Nature: https://www.waterstones.com/book/transitions-to-school-perspectives-and-experiences-from-latin-america/angel-urbina-garcia/bob-perry/9783030989347 He is an international developmental psychologist having completed his PhD in the Psychology in Education Research Centre from the University of York (UK). He has extensive experience as lecturer in psychology, educational psychology and early years education in both, face-to-face and online environments having taught in three continents namely Asia, Europe and America. He is currently a lecturer in early childhood and the Director of the Postgraduate Taught Programmes in the School of Education and Social Sciences, and is the recipient of Excellence Teaching Awards. He has also been a governmental adviser leading multidisciplinary discussions at national level specifically regarding the early years curriculum sharing his expertise in areas of educational and developmental assessment, teaching methods, teacher training and curriculum development. Dr. Urbina has also shared his work in the field of teacher training with the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean; (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) with a view to establishing a line of work with Latin American researchers. After having worked as a classroom teacher for a number of years, he worked as the Regional Coordinator of Child Psychologists overseeing 19 childcare and educational centres working with a range of professionals. While working for a private university, he led the Postgraduate Academy of Psychology for two years overseeing the work of more than 20 senior lecturers and professors of psychology. As an expert in online learning, Dr. Urbina has developed ample expertise when working with a range of platforms for online education with international students while in his role as lecturer in psychology for Russell Group Universities. He has also delivered a number of international CPD courses and webinars to online lecturers and has been recognised as a specialist for intake modules -easing the transition of international students to the online world. Dr Urbina has mentored a number of newly appointed online lecturers in psychology. He has ample experience in working with children, parents, teachers, teaching assistants, principal teachers and headteachers, as well as child psychologists, pedagogists, social workers, nutritionists, educators and paediatricians. Dr Urbina-Garcia is an international expert in designing and facilitating seminars, workshops and CPD courses to a range of professionals in both fields, psychology and education -either face-to-face or online. Media Coverage: Dr. Urbina-Garcia's expertise and research has featured on different occasions on National and International TV, Radio and Newspapers and other media outlets including BBC Look North, BBC Radio Humberside , TRT World Sky Channel News 516, I-Newspaper, The Conversation, Times Education Supplement (TES), Newsweek US, British Petroleum, Viking FM News Radio, etc. https://www.newsweek.com/children-arent-born-learning-styles-scientist-warn-parents-1438034 https://theconversation.com/profiles/angel-urbina-garcia-800018 TRT World Sky Channel TV News 516: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nbjIm3xgmU https://inews.co.uk/news/schools-reopening-go-back-lessons-how-help-child-advice-610750 https://www.hull.ac.uk/work-with-us/more/media-centre/news/2020/university-of-hull-psychologists-advice-on-how-to-support-your-children-during-covid-19-crisis BBC Look North TV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JWgh4CyLLpHbRDl9ByeA5lQoYmkfp8aQ/view?usp=sharing BBC Radio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RR4f7OLjCxvBwMwf5syKYpx6sbBy0qc8/view?usp=sharing BBC Radio [Impact of Lockdown on Children]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dXC5GQybLGMm31wsAr8BKOZPm6TXLPsD/view?usp=sharing BBC Radio Humberside [Children back to normality after COVID19]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WQw5M-Z1fn0Clx6iBIa5eDGVPXD4AWdn/view?usp=sharing BBC Radio Warwick [Children's skills for face recognition and use of facemasks during COVID19] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YW5CIVHdsZ8FcCIsjfl8B2L37ytIJX5r/view?usp=sharing Affiliations: BPS: British Psychological Society CPsyhcol: Chartered Psychologist in the UK (BPS) Division: Psychology and Education England’s North East branch APA: American Psychological Association Division 15: Educational Psychology Division 7: Developmental Psychology HEA: Higher Education Academy, UK BERA: British Educational Research Association SOCMEX: Mexican Society of Psychology EECERA: European Early Childhood and Education Research Association Member of the SIG (Special Interest Group) on transitions of the European Early Childhood and Education Research Association International Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals: *Journal of Educational Psychology *Early Childhood Research Quarterly *Journal of Education for Teaching *Journal of Early Intervention *Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education *Current Psychology Journal *Teaching and Teacher Education *Canadian Journal of School Psychology etc. |
Research Interests | Dr Urbina's primary research interests focus on the preschool transition, listening to children’s voices and children’s well-being/happiness. He is also interested in research on digital technologies applied in education/early years and adult online learning -specifically, online students' engagement and online lecturers' behaviours and practices. Dr. Urbina's research findings have been disseminated widely in different international conferences including US, Greece, Spain, England, Mexico, Scotland, Holland, Italy etc., and his work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals. More specifically: Children's happiness and well-being, child development (i.e., social, emotional and cognitive skills), children’s learning processes, preschool transition, parental styles, development of children’s resilience, positive discipline, educational psychology, children’s learning styles, teachers’ pedagogical practices, children’s academic performance, psychology of learning. Online Learning: Students’ engagement and motivation in online learning, effective practices of online lecturer, instructor-student communication, provision of feedback in online courses and online lecturers' behaviours and practices. Research supervision I am happy to hear from potential students interested in undertaking postgraduate research in any of my areas of research interest. |
Teaching and Learning | Dr. Urbina has extensive experience in face-to-face, blended and online learning having taught a range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level in both, psychology and education fields. He has taught a range of modules such as Applied Psychology, Personality Theories, Qualitative Reasoning in Applied Psychology, Social Psychology, Child Development, Educational Psychology, Learning Across the Lifespan, Mind, Brain and Behaviour, Fundamentals of Psychology, Public Health and Psychology, Theory and Practice of Psychological Interview, Today's Psychology, Biological Basis of Human Behaviour, Cognitive-Behavioural Approaches to Treatment, Sociological and Psychological Perspectives of Learning, International Constructions of Childhood, Creativity in Early Years Education, Research Methods in Psychology and Education, etc. Dr. Urbina has lectured in three different continents with students from 45+ countries around the world, and supervised a number of undergrad and postgrad dissertations. In addition to working with students aged 18-21, he has also vast experience working in adult-education programmes with international students following an andragogical approach. He has ample experience in working with adults/professionals when working as lecturer in psychology of Continuing Education Departments at different universities. He has extensive experience as lecturer in psychology in online programmes using different platforms such as MOODLE, VLE, CANVAS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Kaltura, Blackboard Collaborate, etc. and favours the use of digital technologies in teaching, learning and assessment. |
PhD Supervision Availability | Yes |
PhD Topics | Dr Urbina is happy to hear from potential students interested in undertaking postgraduate research in any of his areas of research interest. |