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Dr Alicia Heys' Outputs (5)

The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse (2024)
Book Chapter
Green, S., & Heys, A. (2024). The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse. In M. Krambia Kapardis, C. Clark, A. Warria, & M. Dion (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Modern Slavery (359-380). Palgrave Macmillan.

Victims of modern slavery are poorly understood and badly counted. This is because modern slavery is a vague, contested and largely invisible crime. When it does reach the political and public conscience it is usually in the context of illegal migrat... Read More about The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse.

New War, Same Battle? Conflict-Related Human Trafficking in the Context of the War in Ukraine (2024)
Journal Article
Veldhuizen-Ochodničanová, E., & Heys, A. (2024). New War, Same Battle? Conflict-Related Human Trafficking in the Context of the War in Ukraine. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development, 6(2), 26-41.

Despite the link between conflict and human trafficking having been globally recognised, academic inquiry investigating how the two interact continues to be limited. Given the recency of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in... Read More about New War, Same Battle? Conflict-Related Human Trafficking in the Context of the War in Ukraine.

Behind Battle Lines Analysing Commanders' Decisions Around Conflict-Related Sexual Violence And Exploitation And Their Penal Consequence (2024)
Journal Article
Heys, A., Veldhuizen Ochodničanová, E., Veldhuizen Ochodničanová, E. M., & Muraszkiewicz, J. (2024). Behind Battle Lines Analysing Commanders' Decisions Around Conflict-Related Sexual Violence And Exploitation And Their Penal Consequence. Journal of Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, 5(1), 275-303.

This paper analyses the motivation behind military commanders’ perpetration, facilitation and tolerance of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV), and considers the decision making behind the imposing of punitive measures.
It begins by investigati... Read More about Behind Battle Lines Analysing Commanders' Decisions Around Conflict-Related Sexual Violence And Exploitation And Their Penal Consequence.

"Freedom is a constant struggle”: Women’s journeys after modern slavery in the United Kingdom (2024)
Nghishitende, N. J. "Freedom is a constant struggle”: Women’s journeys after modern slavery in the United Kingdom. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis provides insights into the journeys of women who have left situations classified as modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) and are remodelling their lives in the UK. Employing critical methodologies, this thesis utilises narrative an... Read More about "Freedom is a constant struggle”: Women’s journeys after modern slavery in the United Kingdom.