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Biography Domino became interested in conservation genetics during her undergraduate degree, working on UK butterflies with Natural England for her PhD and first post doc. Trying to better understand adaptive change lead to a switch in allegiance from insects to fishes (although she still has a soft spot for insects) and she worked with Prof. Ole Seehausen first at Hull and then in Lucerne, Switzerland before being awarded a Leverhulme Fellowship to work on "bower-building" cichlid fishes. She became a lecturer at Hull in 2010 and enjoys teaching evolution and behaviour (among other things).

University of East Anglia. BSc (hons) Ecology with Biology

University of Birmingham Ph.D. ‘The use of molecular genetics in the formulation of conservation strategies for Lepidoptera’.

Jan 2003-June 2006 Leverhulme Trust PDRA, University of Hull and EAWAG Luzern, Switzerland “The cichlid fish species flocks in African lakes: single founders or hybrid swarms?”

June 2007-Aug 2010 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship “Habitat driven runaway sexual selection fuels speciation”. University of Hull.

Sept 2010-July 2013 Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology, University of Hull
August 2013-present Senior Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology, University of Hull

HEA Fellow (2016)
Research Interests I'm interested in the behavioural and genomic adaptations of animals (primarily freshwater fishes). This is because these adaptations can lead to the formation of new species, and understanding how species evolve is of fundamental importance to biodiversity and conservation.

I use haplochromine cichlid fishes as my primary study system, but I've recently discovered that Atlantic salmon are also fun to work on, and I'm interested in the role that anthropogenic pressures can exert on natural populations which may lead to evolutionary change in populations over time.

I lead the Happy Chemical Cluster, and you can find out more about this here:
Teaching and Learning I teach a combination of genetics, behaviour and evolution, which reflects my research interests perfectly. I also join our final year Field Studies scientific diving trip to somewhere with tropical coral reefs (e.g. Malaysia/Egypt).

First year: Evolution*
Second year: Molecular Evolution & Genomics
Third year: Sex and Social Behaviour*, Field Studies

*module lead
Scopus Author ID 56045815500
PhD Supervision Availability Yes