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Profile image of Michael McCahill

Dr Michael McCahill

Biography I was born Glasgow, but raised in Hull. I completed my BA Sociology, MA Criminology, and PhD Sociology at the University of Hull. I have been teaching criminology and surveillance studies at the university for 23 years. My PhD and first research grant were both awarded by the ESRC. These ESRC-funded projects resulted in two prize-winning monographs. The Surveillance Web (2002), winner of the 2003 British Society of Criminology Book Prize, and Surveillance, Capital and Resistance (2014), winner of the 2015 Surveillance Studies Network Book Prize.
Research Interests My research interests include the social impact of ‘new surveillance' technologies in the context of policing and criminal justice. I have published widely on this topic, including two prize-winning monographs. These are The Surveillance Web (2002), winner of the 2003 British Society of Criminology Book Prize, and Surveillance, Capital and Resistance (2014), winner of the 2015 Surveillance Studies Network Book Prize. Other research interests include surveillance theory, media representations of surveillance, and the ‘racialization’ of surveillance. I welcome PhD applications in the following areas: surveillance and social control; surveillance, crime and media; ethnographic research on surveillance subjects or agents; and the ‘racialization’ of surveillance. Recently completed PhDs include Suki Desai, PhD in sociology, ‘The Social Impact of CCTV Surveillance Cameras in Three Mental Health Wards’; Jade Hinchliffe, PhD Sociology, ‘Social Sorting in Twenty-First Century Dystopian Fiction’; Kathryn Blance, PhD Media, Culture and Society, ‘Surveillance, State Violence and Resistance: A History of “Dangerous Incidents” between Police Officers and Black Individuals in the United States.’
Teaching and Learning Undergraduate

- Surveillance and Social Control
- Criminology in Late Modernity
- Becoming a Criminologist

Taught Postgraduate

- Dissertations
Scopus Author ID 10043555300
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics I welcome PhD applications in the following areas: surveillance and social control; surveillance, crime and media; ethnographic research on surveillance subjects or agents; and the ‘racialization’ of surveillance. Recently completed PhDs include Suki Desai, PhD in sociology, ‘The Social Impact of CCTV Surveillance Cameras in Three Mental Health Wards’; Jade Hinchliffe, PhD Sociology, ‘Social Sorting in Twenty-First Century Dystopian Fiction’; Kathryn Blance, PhD Media, Culture and Society, ‘Surveillance, State Violence and Resistance: A History of “Dangerous Incidents” between Police Officers and Black Individuals in the United States.’

This person contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels