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Dr Tommy Horozov's Outputs (6)

Using adsorption kinetics to assemble vertically aligned nanorods at liquid interfaces for metamaterial applications (2022)
Journal Article
Morgan, S. O., Muravitskaya, A., Lowe, C., Adawi, A. M., Bouillard, J. G., Horozov, T. S., Stasiuk, G. J., & Buzza, D. M. (2022). Using adsorption kinetics to assemble vertically aligned nanorods at liquid interfaces for metamaterial applications. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 24, 11000-11013.

Vertically aligned monolayers of metallic nanorods have a wide range of applications as metamaterials or in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. However the fabrication of such structures using current top-down methods or through assembly on solid su... Read More about Using adsorption kinetics to assemble vertically aligned nanorods at liquid interfaces for metamaterial applications.

Adsorption trajectories of nonspherical particles at liquid interfaces (2021)
Journal Article
Buzza, D. M. A., Stasiuk, G. J., Horozov, T. S., Adawi, A. M., Bouillard, J.-S. G., Lowe, C., Fox, J., & Morgan, S. O. (2021). Adsorption trajectories of nonspherical particles at liquid interfaces. Physical Review E, 103(4), Article 042604.

The adsorption of colloidal particles at liquid interfaces is of great importance scientifically and industrially, but the dynamics of the adsorption process is still poorly understood. In this paper we use a Langevin model to study the adsorption dy... Read More about Adsorption trajectories of nonspherical particles at liquid interfaces.

Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys (2018)
Journal Article
Somerville, W. R., Stokes, J. L., Adawi, A. M., Horozov, T. S., Archer, A. J., & Buzza, D. M. (2018). Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30(40),

Two-dimensional mixtures of dipolar colloidal particles with different dipole moments exhibit extremely rich self-assembly behaviour and are relevant to a wide range of experimental systems, including charged and super-paramagnetic colloids at liquid... Read More about Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys.

Self-assembly of two-dimensional colloidal clusters by tuning the hydrophobicity, composition, and packing geometry (2013)
Journal Article
Law, A. D., Auriol, M., Smith, D., Horozov, T. S., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2013). Self-assembly of two-dimensional colloidal clusters by tuning the hydrophobicity, composition, and packing geometry. Physical review letters, 110(13), 0 - 0.

We study the structure of binary monolayers of large (3 m diameter) very hydrophobic (A) and large (3 m diameter) hydrophilic (B) or small (1 m diameter) hydrophilic (C) silica particles at an octanewater interface. By tuning the composition and pack... Read More about Self-assembly of two-dimensional colloidal clusters by tuning the hydrophobicity, composition, and packing geometry.

The structure and melting transition of two-dimensional colloidal alloys (2011)
Journal Article
Law, A. D., Horozov, T. S., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2011). The structure and melting transition of two-dimensional colloidal alloys. Soft matter, 7(19), 8923-8931.

We study theoretically the structure and melting transition of two-dimensional (2D) binary mixtures of colloidal particles interacting via a dipole-dipole potential. Using a lattice sum method, we find that at zero temperature (T = 0) the system form... Read More about The structure and melting transition of two-dimensional colloidal alloys.

Two-dimensional colloidal alloys (2011)
Journal Article
Law, A. D., Buzza, D. M. A., & Horozov, T. S. (2011). Two-dimensional colloidal alloys. Physical review letters, 106(12), Article ARTN 128302.

We study the structure of mixed monolayers of large (3μm diameter) and small (1μm diameter) very hydrophobic silica particles at an octane-water interface as a function of the number fraction of small particles ξ. We find that a rich variety of two-d... Read More about Two-dimensional colloidal alloys.