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Professor Simon Green's Outputs (1)

The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse (2024)
Book Chapter
Green, S., & Heys, A. (2024). The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse. In M. Krambia Kapardis, C. Clark, A. Warria, & M. Dion (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Modern Slavery (359-380). Palgrave Macmillan.

Victims of modern slavery are poorly understood and badly counted. This is because modern slavery is a vague, contested and largely invisible crime. When it does reach the political and public conscience it is usually in the context of illegal migrat... Read More about The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse.