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Dr Harriet Thiery's Outputs (3)

No Longer 'Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards'? Advances in Local State- Voluntary and Community Sector Relationships During Covid-19 (2023)
Journal Article
Cook, J., Thiery, H., & Burchell, J. (online). No Longer 'Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards'? Advances in Local State- Voluntary and Community Sector Relationships During Covid-19. Journal of Social Policy,

Despite the significant influence of localism on policy discourses in the UK in recent decades, there has been limited evidence of any fundamental changes in state-civil society relationships. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 created a n... Read More about No Longer 'Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards'? Advances in Local State- Voluntary and Community Sector Relationships During Covid-19.

Transforming adult social care systems? A systematic review of the costs and outcomes of local area coordination in England and Wales (2023)
Journal Article
Thiery, H., Cook, J., Burchell, J., Wilberforce, M., Twiddy, M., Nikolova, S., Martin, A., & Hulme, C. (2023). Transforming adult social care systems? A systematic review of the costs and outcomes of local area coordination in England and Wales. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8(1), Article 100714.

Adult Social Care (ASC) in England faces an ‘existential crisis’, caught between increased demand for services and continued cuts to social care and local government budgets. Increasingly, it is argued that this crisis cannot be solved without reform... Read More about Transforming adult social care systems? A systematic review of the costs and outcomes of local area coordination in England and Wales.

'I'm not Doing It for the Company' -Examining Employee Volunteering Through Employees' Eyes (2022)
Journal Article
Cook, J., Burchell, J., Thiery, H., & Roy, T. (in press). 'I'm not Doing It for the Company' -Examining Employee Volunteering Through Employees' Eyes. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly,

This article contributes to research on Employee Volunteering (EV) by focusing on the experiences of individuals in order to address the current over-emphasis upon collective organisational outcomes. Drawing on qualitative research with employees and... Read More about 'I'm not Doing It for the Company' -Examining Employee Volunteering Through Employees' Eyes.