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Mrs Lisa Jennison's Outputs (3)

Principles of the Professional Nurse Advocate and A-EQUIP Model to Improve Health Visitors’ Wellbeing (2023)
Journal Article
Jennison, L., & Walker, J. (2023). Principles of the Professional Nurse Advocate and A-EQUIP Model to Improve Health Visitors’ Wellbeing. Journal of Health Visiting, 11(5), 196-202.

This review explores the current literature and the complex challenges faced by the health visiting workforce. The A-EQUIP model and the implementation of the professional nurse advocate role for nurses is investigated.

Antenatal young parents: introducing a pathway to enhance health visiting practice (2015)
Journal Article
Jennison, L. (2015). Antenatal young parents: introducing a pathway to enhance health visiting practice. Community Practitioner, 88(7), 37-40

Although their numbers have declined over the last 10 years, younger (teenage) parents are still one of the most disadvantaged client groups and have significantly poorer health outcomes for both themselves and their children.This article describes t... Read More about Antenatal young parents: introducing a pathway to enhance health visiting practice.