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Mrs Lisa Jennison's Recognition (16)

Fellow of the Institute of Health Visiting (IHV).

WY and Humber and NY Improving Population Health Fellowship Mentor
2024 - 2025

Expert PNA Involvement Group

Description Expert PNA Involvement Group led by Coventry University to share your insights regarding a new study titled, SUSTAIN-ING (2024). This study builds on the national evaluation undertaken in 2022/23 to understand the impact of Professional Nurse Advocates (PNAs) undertaking quality improvement work and the impact of this on patient outcomes and patient experience.

University FHS Ethics committee member

Institute of Health Visiting PIMH (Perinatal infant mental health) Champion

NMC recorded- Community Practitioner Nurse Prescriber

NMC Recorded- Nurse Teacher

Peer reviewer for British Journal of Nursing

NT Workforce Summit & Awards 2023- 21.11.2023

Description Best Staff Wellbeing Initiative
Nomination name: Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Hull
Nomination code: FT5XFA6ZSJRQNJW
Category- Best Staff Wellbeing Initiative
Nominator- Jayne Walker. Nomination date 6/22/23, 10:54 AM
Name of initiative/scheme-
'Restorative supervision positively impacts the emotional wellbeing of HEI Lecturers in healthcare'.
The aim of the intervention- to explore whether a unique RS model can be used to support health care professionals working in a higher education setting. The challenges of moving from a clinical role to an
academic one was explored by several of the participants. The RS sessions helped them to reflect on their expertise and skill within a non-clinical context.
The key elements were to provide a confidential safe place for academic staff to feel free to reflect on their experiences; difficulties; and achievements. This project was unique in that, to our knowledge it had not been delivered in any other HEI in this context,
directed towards staff who training healthcare students, as previous approaches have only been directed specifically towards students.
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Research Themes Education and Pedagogy
Org Units Faculty of Health Sciences

0-19 Research Network CRN Yorkshire&Humber

Description National Institute for Health and Care Research(NIHR)local clinical research network member (Yorkshire & Humber region).
Affiliated Organisations 00 Partner to be confirmed

PNA Education Standards - Expert Reference Group
2022 - 2023

Description Expert reference group member for setting the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) Education Standards. Identified by the RCN group as a key stakeholder in the space of PNA.
x3 workshops attended and standards successfully completed and published.
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Research Themes Education and Pedagogy

External Examiner Edinburgh Queen Margret's University
2022 - 2026

Knowledge Exchange Framework Annual Conference

Description Presentation on 'Skillfluence' training and 'Connecting with Industry' Project- transfer of academic knowledge to improve small local businesses.
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull

External book reviewer for Sage publications

Description Various nursing and health texts and book chapters reviewed as part of my role as an external reviewer for Sage publications.
On reviewing content prior to publication I am asked to review and comment on- additional content which may be required or needs improvement, learning features and online resources.

Schwartz rounds

Description Steering panel member for pilot phase of local Schwartz Rounds. These are a forum designed for healthcare staff to come together and discuss and reflect on the personal, emotional and social challenges associated with working in healthcare, and caring for patients. Rounds are facilitated, and provide a confidential space to reflect in and share experiences.

External reviewer-Health and Care Research Wales Research for Public and Patient Benefit (RfPPB)
2019 - 2023

Description Health and Care Research Wales Research for Public and Patient Benefit (RfPPB) external reviewer for research proposals:
2019 Research proposal title-New Beginnings: Listening and Responding to Parents and Enabling Maternal Resilience in Antenatal Care.
2020 Research proposal title - The use of the Rewind Technique by midwives to support women experiencing birth-related trauma: An exploratory qualitative study.
2022 Research title- Participatory research and co-development of a quality improvement toolkit for postnatal healthcare services for Autistic people.