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Post Nominals FHEA
Biography Dr Dmitriy Kuvshinov holds the post of Lecturer in the School of Engineering at the University of Hull.

Dr Kuvshinov has more than 30 years of experience in the development and application of natural gas conversion, carbon capture and utilisation catalytically driven technologies to practical engineering problems at different scales.

His R&D activities are well supported by strong first-hand skills in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and transport processes design with use of COMSOL software.

Doctor Kuvshinov is well recognised expert in the carbon nanomaterials synthesis and application fields.

Dr Dmitriy Kuvshinov is a major contributor to development of wide range of teaching modules starting from CFD Modelling, Materials/Nanomaterials Engineering, Design of a Process equipment and Transport Processes.
Research Interests Carbon nanostructures synthesis, modification and application.
R&D of industrial carbon capture and utilisation technologies.
Design and application of biogas upgrading technologies.
Design and application of Lab-on-a-Chip and miniature devices to fine chemistry and bio-molecular engineering.
Design and application of low-temperature plasma technologies.
Teaching and Learning Dr Kuvshinov contributes to teaching across Chemical Engineering undergraduate and MSc programmes.

Current Teaching:
“Chemical Engineering of Nanomaterials”, (Level 7), (20 credits), (50 hours)
"Transport processes", (Level 5), (20 credits), (50 hours)

Previous Taught Modules
"Chemical engineering of Nanomaterials’’, (Level 7), (10 credits), (25 hours)
"Advanced Process Modelling and Simulation, COMSOL’’, (Level 7), (10 credits), (25 hours)
"Chemical Dynamics and Statics of a Process equipment’’, (Level 4), (10 credits), (25 hours)
Scopus Author ID 6602395198
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Dr Kuvshinov supervises PhD research projects across a broad selection of topics. Applications are always welcome for PhD, MPhil and MSc by Research degrees in all topics related to

*-application and development of Natural Gas conversion, carbon capture and utilisation technologies;
*-waste plastic utilisation;
*-carbon nanomaterials synthesis and application;
*-ozonolysis driven processes;
*-Lab-on-a-Chip and miniature systems development for bio- and molecular engineering.

Please contact him directly to discuss opportunities, topics and available funding.

Completed PhDs

- Nuhu Mamman Musa. Development of a bubble enhanced energy efficient indoor air cleaning and purification technology through design, construction, experimental investigation, modelling and simulation.

- Chimaoge Okezue. Effect of Chemical Impurities on Centrifugal Machine Performance: Implications for Compressor Sizing in a CO2 Transport Pipeline.

- Hannah Marsden. Waste textile utilisation accompanied by Hydrogen and Carbon Nanomaterials production.

- Aleksei Iurkov. Development of compact mobile autonomous system for dissolved CO2 detection.

Ongoing PhDs

- Katy Seed. Biogas conversion to H2 containing mistures.

- Basil Abid Jaleel. Nanocarbon production process optimisation through digital prototyping.