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Dr Jean-Sebastien Bouillard's Outputs (3)

Biosynthesis of luminescent quantum dots in an earthworm (2012)
Journal Article
Stürzenbaum, S. R., Höckner, M., Panneerselvam, A., Levitt, J., Bouillard, J. S., Taniguchi, S., Dailey, L. A., Khanbeigi, R. A., Rosca, E. V., Thanou, M., Suhling, K., Zayats, A. V., & Green, M. (2013). Biosynthesis of luminescent quantum dots in an earthworm. Nature nanotechnology, 8(1), 57-60.

The synthesis of designer solid-state materials by living organisms is an emerging field in bio-nanotechnology. Key examples include the use of engineered viruses as templates for cobalt oxide (Co3O4) particles1, superparamagnetic cobalt–platinum all... Read More about Biosynthesis of luminescent quantum dots in an earthworm.

Broadband and broadangle SPP antennas based on plasmonic crystals with linear chirp (2012)
Journal Article
Bouillard, J. S., Vilain, S., Dickson, W., Wurtz, G. A., & Zayats, A. V. (2012). Broadband and broadangle SPP antennas based on plasmonic crystals with linear chirp. Scientific reports, 2(1), Article 829.

Plasmonic technology relies on the coupling of light to surface electromagnetic modes on smooth or structured metal surfaces. While some applications utilise the resonant nature of surface polaritons, others require broadband characteristics. We demo... Read More about Broadband and broadangle SPP antennas based on plasmonic crystals with linear chirp.

Low-temperature plasmonics of metallic nanostructures (2012)
Journal Article
Bouillard, J. S. G., Dickson, W., O’Connor, D. P., Wurtz, G. A., & Zayats, A. V. (2012). Low-temperature plasmonics of metallic nanostructures. Nano Letters, 12(3), 1561-1565.

The requirements for spatial and temporal manipulation of electromagnetic fields on the nanoscale have recently resulted in an ever-increasing use of plasmonics for achieving various functionalities with superior performance to those available from c... Read More about Low-temperature plasmonics of metallic nanostructures.