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Dr Simon Calaminus' Outputs (1)

Megakaryocytes assemble podosomes that degrade matrix and protrude through basement membrane (2013)
Journal Article
Schachtner, H., Calaminus, S. D. J., Sinclair, A., Monypenny, J., Blundell, M. P., Leon, C., Holyoake, T. L., Thrasher, A. J., Michie, A. M., Vukovic, M., Gachet, C., Jones, G. E., Thomas, S. G., Watson, S. P., & Machesky, L. M. (2013). Megakaryocytes assemble podosomes that degrade matrix and protrude through basement membrane. Blood, 121(13), 2542-2552.

Megakaryocytes give rise to platelets via extension of proplatelet arms, which are released through the vascular sinusoids into the bloodstream. Megakaryocytes and their precursors undergo varying interactions with the extracellular environment in th... Read More about Megakaryocytes assemble podosomes that degrade matrix and protrude through basement membrane.