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Professor Roger Sturmey's Outputs (51)

Metabolic heterogeneity during preimplantation development: The missing link? (2014)
Journal Article
Brison, D. R., Sturmey, R. G., & Leese, H. J. (2014). Metabolic heterogeneity during preimplantation development: The missing link?. Human Reproduction Update, 20(5), 632-640.

BACKGROUND Most tissues in the body rely on the presence of gap junctions in order to couple their component cells electrically and metabolically via intercellular transport of ions, metabolites and signalling agents. As a result, cells within tissue... Read More about Metabolic heterogeneity during preimplantation development: The missing link?.

Parallels between embryo and cancer cell metabolism (2013)
Journal Article
Smith, D., & Sturmey, R. (2013). Parallels between embryo and cancer cell metabolism. Biochemical Society Transactions, 41(2), 664 - 669.

A key characteristic of cancer cells is the ability to switch from a predominantly oxidative metabolism to glycolysis and the production of lactate even when oxygen is plentiful. This metabolic switch, known as the Warburg effect, was first described... Read More about Parallels between embryo and cancer cell metabolism.

Expression and localization of creatine kinase in the preimplantation embryo (2012)
Journal Article
Forsey, K. E., Ellis, P. J., Sargent, C. A., Sturmey, R. G., & Leese, H. J. (2013). Expression and localization of creatine kinase in the preimplantation embryo. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 80(3), 185-192.

Creatine Kinase (CK) catalyses the “creatine shuttle,” the reversible conversion of creatine phosphate to creatine with the liberation of ATP. This article examines the potential role of the creatine shuttle in the provision of ATP during mouse preim... Read More about Expression and localization of creatine kinase in the preimplantation embryo.

Oocyte developmental failure in response to elevated nonesterified fatty acid concentrations: mechanistic insights (2012)
Journal Article
Van Hoeck, V., Leroy, J. L. M. R., Arias Alvarez, M., Rizos, D., Gutierrez-Adan, A., Schnorbusch, K., Bols, P. E. J., Leese, H. J., & Sturmey, R. G. (2013). Oocyte developmental failure in response to elevated nonesterified fatty acid concentrations: mechanistic insights. Reproduction, 145(1), 33-44.

Elevated plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations are associated with negative energy balance and metabolic disorders such as obesity and type II diabetes. Such increased plasma NEFA concentrations induce changes in the microenvironment... Read More about Oocyte developmental failure in response to elevated nonesterified fatty acid concentrations: mechanistic insights.

Variable imprinting of the MEST gene in human preimplantation embryos (2012)
Journal Article
Huntriss, J. D., Hemmings, K. E., Hinkins, M., Rutherford, A. J., Sturmey, R. G., Elder, K., & Picton, H. M. (2013). Variable imprinting of the MEST gene in human preimplantation embryos. European Journal of Human Genetics, 21(1), 40-47.

There is evidence that expression and methylation of the imprinted paternally expressed gene 1/mesoderm-specific transcript homologue (PEG1/MEST) gene may be affected by assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) and infertility. In this study, we sou... Read More about Variable imprinting of the MEST gene in human preimplantation embryos.

Role of transient receptor potential channels in mammalian oviduct and uterine epithelia (2011)
Ghavideldarestani, M. Role of transient receptor potential channels in mammalian oviduct and uterine epithelia. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

Calcium is an important secondary messenger and plays a major role in cell function, including proliferation, cell growth, secretion and death .It also plays a critical role in uterine smooth muscle contraction and embryo implantation. This thesis is... Read More about Role of transient receptor potential channels in mammalian oviduct and uterine epithelia.

Elevated non-esterified fatty acid concentrations during bovine oocyte maturation compromise early embryo physiology (2011)
Journal Article
Van Hoeck, V., Sturmey, R. G., Bermejo-Alvarez, P., Rizos, D., Gutierrez-Adan, A., Leese, H. J., Bols, P. E. J., & Leroy, J. L. M. R. (2011). Elevated non-esterified fatty acid concentrations during bovine oocyte maturation compromise early embryo physiology. PLoS ONE, 6(8), e23183.

Elevated concentrations of serum non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), associated with maternal disorders such as obesity and type II diabetes, alter the ovarian follicular micro-environment and have been associated with subfertility arising from reduc... Read More about Elevated non-esterified fatty acid concentrations during bovine oocyte maturation compromise early embryo physiology.

Amino acid metabolism of bovine blastocysts: A biomarker of sex and viability (2010)
Journal Article
Sturmey, R. G., Bermejo-Alvarez, P., Gutierrez-Adan, A., Rizos, D., Leese, H. J., & Lonergan, P. (2010). Amino acid metabolism of bovine blastocysts: A biomarker of sex and viability. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 77(3), 285-296.

The ratio of male/female embryos may be modified by environmental factors such as maternal diet in vivo and the composition of embryo culture media in vitro. We have used amino acid profiling, a noninvasive marker of developmental potential to compar... Read More about Amino acid metabolism of bovine blastocysts: A biomarker of sex and viability.

Removal of red light minimizes methylene blue-stimulated DNA damage in oesophageal cells: implications for chromoendoscopy (2009)
Journal Article
Sturmey, R. G., Wild, C. P., & Hardie, L. J. (2009). Removal of red light minimizes methylene blue-stimulated DNA damage in oesophageal cells: implications for chromoendoscopy. Mutagenesis, 24(3), 253-258.

Barrett's oesophagus (BO) carries an increased risk of progression to oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Chromoendoscopy with methylene blue (MB) can be used to facilitate identification of BO and target areas for biopsy. If photoexcited, MB can generate re... Read More about Removal of red light minimizes methylene blue-stimulated DNA damage in oesophageal cells: implications for chromoendoscopy.

DNA damage and metabolic activity in the preimplantation embryo (2008)
Journal Article
Sturmey, R. G., Hawkhead, J. A., Barker, E. A., & Leese, H. J. (2009). DNA damage and metabolic activity in the preimplantation embryo. Human Reproduction, 24(1), 81-91.

BACKGROUND: Embryos with greater viability have a lower or 'quieter' amino acid metabolism than those which arrest. We have hypothesized this is due to non-viable embryos possessing greater cellular/molecular damage and consuming more nutrients, such... Read More about DNA damage and metabolic activity in the preimplantation embryo.

The effects of hypo- and hyperglycemia during lipolysis-like conditions on bovine oocyte maturation, subsequent embryo developmental and glucose metabolism
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sturmey, R., Andries, S., Bols, P., De Bie, J., Desmet, K., Leroy, J., & Marei, W. The effects of hypo- and hyperglycemia during lipolysis-like conditions on bovine oocyte maturation, subsequent embryo developmental and glucose metabolism

Abstract of a conference paper presented at the 31st meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Associaton, 11-12 September 2015, Ghent, Belgium.