Dr Andrew Garrett
Biography | Dr Andrew Garrett's main area of expertise is the markers of fatigue in temperature regulation during exercise and he is an associate member of the Hull York Medical School. He completed his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Wales Institute Cardiff and the University of Loughborough respectively. His MSc thesis investigated intermittent exercise in hot and cool conditions. His PhD work was funded by the Australian military and based at the University of Otago in New Zealand. He examined the induction and decay of heat acclimation primarily focused on the response of the fluid-regulatory system in hot conditions. Dr Garrett has been a competitive triathlete and competed in the 1990 Commonwealth Games in New Zealand. He is a keen athlete having competed in the London and Edinburgh marathons. He recently competed a 1/2 Iron Triathlon albeit moving a lot slower than in his earlier athletic career!!!! |
Research Interests | • Markers of fatigue in temperature regulation and hypoxic stress • Intermittent exercise in the heat • Health and safety of females exposed to heat stress conditions • Occupational Physiology with an interest in military operations • Heat therapy for chronic disease |
Teaching and Learning | • Applied Human Physiology • Training and performance in extreme environments • Professional standards • Cancer and modifiable risks • Supervision of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Post-doctoral Projects |
PhD Supervision Availability | Yes |
PhD Topics | Completed PhDs: Dr Damien Gleadall-Siddall (2013-2021). Cardiometabolic benefits of moderate-to-high intensity interval training compared to traditional training modalities. Dr Rachel Burke (2014- 2020). Effectiveness of acute dietary nitrate supplementation on exercise performance in normoxic and hypoxic environments. Dr Chris Towlson (2017). The maturity related physical phenotypes of english, elite youth soccer players: exploring the elite player performance plan. Dr Steve Barrett (2016). PlayerLoadTM in Soccer: the reliability, validity and understanding the implications for fatigue management and injury risk. Dr James Johnstone (2014). Effectiveness of the Bioharness physiological monitoring device for the measurement of elite performance in professional sport. Dr Enric Vilar (2012). Studies of methods to improve haemodialysis prescription (collaboration with the Renal Research Unit, Lister Hospital, Stevenage, UK). Completed MD Medical Science (collaboration with the Hull York Medical School, UK): Dr Ahmed Al-Qaissi (2018). Environmental effects of insulin absorption in Type 1 Diabetes patients. Dr Judit Konya (2013). The effect of a simulated flight environment with hypoxia and low humidity on clotting, platelet and endothelial function in patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Completed MSc by Research: Cory Walkington (2021). Effectiveness of short-term heat acclimation (4-days) on moderately-trained males. Jake Shaw (2020). Effectiveness of short-term heat acclimation (4-days) on moderately-trained males. Victoria Biddlecombe (2020). Effectiveness of short-term heat acclimation on intermittent exercise in the heat with moderately-trained females controlling for menstrual cycle phase. Richard Turpin (2020). Effectiveness of 4-days short-term heat acclimation and ethnicity: a case study. Edward Dodds (2019). Effectiveness of short-term heat acclimation on intermittent exercise in the heat with moderately-trained females controlling for menstrual cycle phase. Jarrod Gritt (2018). Health and well-being of female athletes in the preparation for competition in the heat controlling for menstrual phase. Lewis Wombwell (2017). Effectiveness of a personal fluid delivery system on fluid uptake, physical and cognitive performance during a 90-minute soccer simulation in a thermal environment. Matt Birkett (2016). Effectiveness of short-term heat acclimation on intermittent exercise in a hot environment. Fiona Nation (2016). Effectiveness of short-term heat acclimation on intermittent exercise in thermoneutral and hot environments. Gwyneth Chard (2011). Ethnic differences in central versus peripheral blood pressure as markers of hypertension. Natalie Kipps (2011). Ethnic differences in central versus peripheral blood pressure: Nature versus nurture? |