Recognition of your significant contribution to EPSRC Peer Review
2017 - 2018
Description | April 2019 Dear Professor Jiawei Mi Recognition of your significant contribution to EPSRC Peer Review As Executive Chair of EPSRC I would like to personally recognise and thank you for your work as a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College. You have achieved a ranking in the top 6% of College members for participating in peer review activities during the last academic year (2017/18); this is an outstanding contribution. The College is an important component of our peer review procedure and its members play a vital role in EPSRC’s ability to make robust funding decisions. We approach a wide variety of professionals, to provide expert, independent, informed comments on research proposals and to participate in prioritisation panels. It is your willingness to honour your commitment to the College that ensures we can continue to provide robust and effective support for UK research. EPSRC and your colleagues in the research community appreciate this commitment and it is true to say that the community as a whole has greatly benefited from your participation. We will, as part of recognising the good work of College members, be publishing the names and affiliations of those College members receiving this letter on our website in early 2019. I look forward to continuing to work with you and all the EPSRC College members to support and enhance the cause of science in the UK. With thanks and kind regards Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Professor Lynn Gladden CBE FRS FREng Executive Chair Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1ET |