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Post Nominals BSc, MSc, PhD, P.Tech, MIET
Biography Dr Diana Mohd Nasir is a Programme Director of Mechanical Engineering and a Lecturer in Engineering Design under the School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Hull. Prior her current position, she was a Lecturer in Built Environment at Kingston University under the Department of Civil Engineering, Surveying and Construction Management between June 2022 and April 2023. Three years before that, she served as a Postdoctoral Research Associate on two UKRI projects, EPSRC on supercooled salt hydrate phase-change materials (PCM) as the heat charging-discharging medium for building heating system (University of Hull; December 2020 - May 2023) and Innovate UK on FREEHEAT windcatcher technology integrated with heating features for indoor conditioning (led by Free Running Buildings Ltd in collaboration with the University of Stratchlyde; May 2019- November 2020). She was also a former Research Assistant under the University of Malaya Research Grant (UMRG) at the Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya between September 2018 and March 2019.

She is a UK Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET). She is also a Professional Technologist of Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT) and an Architectural Technologist of Malaysia Board of Architects (LAM).

At this early research career stage, Dr Nasir is looking for opportunities to collaborate with industry and lead research projects under UKRI and other external research grants. She won an internal research grant for early career researcher at her former institution, Kingston University (KU First Grant of £8429.52; January -April 2023) on finding the potential of converting and conditioning outdoor wind into water and indoor ventilation by proposing Wind-to-Water Catcher system. Recently she received research and impact support fund from the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FoSE) to support her recent research project on smart hybrid turbine roof ventilator for indoor environmental quality (IEQ) enhancement and wind energy harvesting. Her recent google citation is 514 with i10 index of 14 and h-index of 14.

She had about 5 years industrial practice as an architect and a construction programme scheduler(June 2009 - September 2013) before pursuing her PhD research in the interest of mitigating urban heat island (UHI) effect using cool pipes installed underneath road pavement, or named as "road-pavement solar collector (RPSC) system".

Her humble experience in the research related to sustainable technologies in built environment is currently expanded to improving health and wellbeing of indoor occupants using innovative and sustainable solutions, tentatively for residential and commercial buildings.
Research Interests Dr Nasir's research interest has crossed within the disciplinary subjects of built environment, engineering, architecture, and energy-material science. Her enthusiasm in research is closely related to i) sustainable built environment – smart cities, sustainable building technologies and renewable energy technologies, ii) building environment - indoor air quality, improved ventilation and thermal comfort, and iii) urban environment - urban heating, UHI, air quality.
Teaching and Learning 400456: Engineering Design Challenge (Teacher)
500666: Mechanical Engineering Design (Module Leader)
500664: Materials and Manufacture (Teacher)
601082: Engineering Individual Project (Project Supervisor)
700986: MSc Project (Project Supervisor)
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics She welcomes any research collaboration as well as future postgraduate students (PhD / MSc) who want to work on the research or projects that aim for 1) sustainable technologies within built environment, 2) renewable energy harvesting for nearly zero carbon emission, 3) urban heat island (UHI) mitigation strategies, 4) indoor-outdoor environmental quality – thermal comfort / ventilation / air quality, and 5) smart technologies for future buildings / cities.

Her humble aim is to establish a own small research team with the team members should be keen and be passionate towards research and innovation, very creative, independent and self-motivated. The team members will be given the opportunity to explore to use several computational modelling software (ANSYS, Revit, EnergyPlus, IESVE) as well as coding programmes (Simulink, Arduino) and to establish their own experimental setup (laboratory, fieldwork data collection) using environmental measurement tools for their research works.