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Post Nominals BSc, PhD, FHEA
Biography Jie Yang joined the University of Hull (UoH) in January 2021 as a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics. She has a PhD in Systems Biology from the University of Manchester, UK, and a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics from Imperial College London, UK. Her principal research interests involve the use of applied mathematics for biological and environmental applications. She is currently the Head and BSc Director for Mathematics and Deputy Director of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences.

Jie was awarded a NSFC Research Fund for International Young Scientists of 400,000 RMB as PI on a project entitled “An investigation into predictive modelling of the impact of air pollution on China’s disease burden” (Project code: 21750110446) and a NSFC-DFG International Joint Research Programme grant of 2.088 Million RMB as Co-I on a project entitled “Investigation on gas-liquid-solid three phase flow coupled with meso-scale solid-bubble interactions, solid-liquid turbulence and bubble induced turbulence in bubble column reactors" (Project code: 21761132026).

Previously, she was an Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics/ Statistics at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). Her other previous work experience includes working as a Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore investigating the spread of Zika and respiratory diseases, a Research Associate at Imperial College London studying helminth treatment strategies and a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter investigating biofuel production through the use of mathematical modelling.

CURRENT PHD SUPERVISION (interim lead of a hydrogen PhD cluster from March 2024 - September 2024):
Sept 2023 - Present: Joshua Brown (primary supervisor)
March 2024 - Present: Alice Marr (primary supervisor)
Dec 2024 - Present: Matthew Lovelady (co-supervisor)

2019 - 2023: Chee Yap Chung (primary supervisor at UNNC, external supervisor at UoH)
2018 - 2022: Shanshan Long (co-supervisor at UNNC)


Chung, C.Y., Yang, J., Yang, X., He, J. (2024) “Effects of ambient temperature on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) mortality in highly polluted region”. Urban Climate, 58:102163.

Yang, X., Long, S., Yang, J., Sommerfeld, M., Shi, W. (2024) “Mesoscale large eddy simulation (LES) of bubble column bubbly flows by considering SGS turbulent dispersion and added mass stress effects on interfacial mass transfer”. 16th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-16, Dresden, Germany), Abstract ID: 36.

Guo, Y., Lu, J., Theaker, B., Yang, J., Yang, X. (2024) “Multiscale modelling of intensified turbulent shear control on synthesis of mesoporous micro/nano silicon oxide particles in a continuous multistage Rankine vortex flow reactor”. 16th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-16, Dresden, Germany), Abstract ID: 134.

Yang, X., Long, S., Yang, J., Sommerfeld, M. (2024) “Mesoscale large eddy simulation (LES) of bubble column bubbly flows by considering SGS turbulent dispersion and added mass stress effects on interfacial mass transfer”. 14th Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation (DLES 14, Erlangen, Germany), Oral presentation.

Long, S., Yang, X., Yang, J., Li, B., Shi, W., Sommerfeld, M. (2023) “Euler-Euler LES of bubble column bubbly flows by considering sub-grid scale turbulent dispersion effect on modulating bubble transport”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 147239.

Dong, B., Guo, Y., Yang, J., Yang, X., Wang, L., Huang, D. (2023) “Turbulence induced shear controllable synthesis of nano FePO4 irregularly-shaped particles in a counter impinging jet flow T-junction reactor assisted by ultrasound irradiation”. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry, 106590.

Long, S., Yang, X., Yang, J., Sommerfeld, M., Xue, C. (2023) “Large Eddy Simulation of Bubble Column Bubbly Flow Considering Subgrid-Scale Turbulent Diffusion Effects and Bubble Oscillations”. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 46(9), 1791-1799.

Chung, C.Y., Yang, J., Yang, X., He, J. (2022) “Mathematical modelling in the health risk assessment of air pollution-related disease burden in China: A review”. Frontiers in Public Health, 10:1060153.

Chung, C.Y., Yang, J., Yang, X., He, J. (2022) “A novel mathematical model for estimating the relative risk of mortality attributable to the combined effect of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and cold ambient temperature”. Science of The Total Environment, 159634.

Chung, C.Y., Yang, J., Yang, X., He, J. (2022) “Long-term effects of ambient air pollution on lung cancer and COPD mortalities in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies”. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 97, 106865.

Long, S., Yang, X., Yang, J., Sommerfeld, M. (2022) “Euler/Euler large eddy simulation of bubbly flow in bubble columns under CO2 chemisorption conditions”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 445, 136654.

Liu, L., Yang, X., Yang, J., Li, G., Liu, L., Guo, Y., Wang, G., Wang, L.P. (2022) “Effect of hydrodynamic heterogeneity on particle dispersion in a Taylor-Couette flow reactor with variable configurations of inner cylinder”. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 131, 104141.

Chung, C.Y., Yang, J., He, J., Yang, X., Hubbard, R., He, T., Ji, D. (2021) “An investigation into the impact of variations of ambient air pollution and meteorological factors on lung cancer mortality in Yangtze River Delta”. Science of The Total Environment, 779, 146427.

Liu, L., Yang, X., Yang, J., Li, G., Liu, L., Guo, Y., Xue, C. (2021) “Modelling of turbulent shear controllable co-precipitation synthesis of lithium ion battery cathode precursor micro-particles in a Taylor-Couette flow reactor with variable configurations of inner cylinder”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 411, 128571.

Liu, L., Yang, X., Yang, J., Li, G., Guo, Y. (2021) “Effect of Hydrodynamic Heterogeneity on Micromixing in a Taylor-Couette Flow Reactor with Lobed Inner Cylinder”, AIChE Journal, 67(7), e17225.

Guo, Y., Yang, X., Li, G., Yang, J., Liu, L., Chen, L., Li, B. (2021) “Shear Turbulence Controllable Synthesis of Aggregated Nano-Particles Using a Swirling Vortex Flow Reactor Assisted by Ultrasound Irradiation”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 405, 126914.

Long, S., Yang, J., Huang, X., Li, G., Shi, W., Sommerfeld, M., Yang, X. (2020) “Large-eddy simulation of gas-liquid two-phase flow and mass transfer in a bubble column reactor using a modified sub-grid scale model with consideration of bubble-eddy interaction”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 161.

Shi, W., Yang, X., Sommerfeld, M., Yang, J., Cai, X., Li, G. (2020) “A Modified bubble breakage and coalescence model accounting the effect of bubble-induced turbulence for CFD-PBM modelling of bubble column bubbly flows”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustions, 105, 1197-1229.

Shi, W., Yang, X., Sommerfeld, M., Yang, J., Cai, X., Li, G., Zong, Y., (2019) “Modelling of Mass Transfer for Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Bubble Column Reactor with a Bubble Breakage Model Considering Bubble-Induced Turbulence”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 371, 470-485 (Awarded the UNNC 2019 Distinguished Publication Award).

Shi, W., Li, G., Yang, J., Zong, Y., Yang, X. (2019) “CFD-PBM Modelling of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Bubble Column Reactors with an Improved Breakup Kernel Accounting for Bubble Shape Variations”, Heat Transfer Engineering, 41,14-15.

Shi, W., Yang, J., Li, G., Yang, X., Zong, Y., Cai, X. (2018) “Modelling of breakage rate and bubble size distribution in bubble columns accounting for bubble shape variations”, Chemical Engineering Science, 187, 391-405.

Yang, J. (2018) “Dynamic Health Risk Mapping and Predictive Modelling of the Impact of Metereological Fluctuations on Air Pollution in Yangtze River Delta”, 10th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2018, St. Louis, Missouri, USA), Session 9AM.2.

Shi, W., Yang, J., Li, G., Zong, Y., Yang, X. (2018) “Modelling of Bubbly Flow in Bubble Column Reactors with an Improved Breakup Kernel Accounting for Bubble Shape Variations”, Heat and Mass Transfer – Volume 1, IntechOpen.

Chen, L., Yang, X., Li, G., Yang, J., Wen, C., Li, X., Snape, C. (2017) “Dynamic modelling of fluidisation in gas-solid bubbling fluidised beds”, Powder Technology, 322, 461-470.

Shi, W., Li, G., Yang, J., Zong, Y., Yang, X. (2017) “CFD-PBM modelling of gas-liquid two-phase flow in bubble column reactors with an improved breakup kernel accounting for bubble shape variations”, 13th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT 2017, awarded “Outstanding Paper Award”).

Dickens, B.L., Yang, J. (joint first author), Cook, A.R., Carrasco, L.R. (2016) “Time to Empower Release of Insects Carrying a Dominant Lethal and Wolbachia Against Zika”, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 3(2),

Anderson, R.M., Turner, H.C., Farrell, S.H., Yang, J., Truscott, J.E. (2015) “What is required in terms of mass drug administration to interrupt the transmission of schistosome parasites in regions of endemic infection?”, Parasites and Vectors, 8(553).

Yang, J., Truscott, J.E., Anderson, R.M. (2015) “How effective is school-based deworming on impacting the burden and prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths and schistosomes?”, The British Society For Parasitology 2015 Spring Meeting (BSP 2015, Liverpool, UK), Session B6.
Research Interests Mathematical Biology

Hydrogen Production and Storage

Air Pollution Modelling
Teaching and Learning Mathematical Biology

Systems Biology

Mathematical Project

Modelling and Optimisation

Introduction to Probability and Statistics