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Clare Collins' Outputs (3)

Podcast - Researchers Rant - Ep1 - Plastic-Free July (2021)
Digital Artefact
Collins, C., & McCumskay, R. (2021). Podcast - Researchers Rant - Ep1 - Plastic-Free July. [Video podcast]

A light-hearted, entertaining discussion between researchers, Rick and Clare on Plastic-Free July #PlasticFreeJuly. The first of a series of podcasts due to be released, questioning science and life in general.

Plastics-Free - Would you choose a paper bag? (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Collins, C. (2021, July). Plastics-Free - Would you choose a paper bag?. Paper presented at Energy and Environment Institute Colloquium 2021, University of Hull

Do you ever find yourself standing in the supermarket trying to decide whether it is better to buy milk in a glass bottle, plastic bottle or a tetrapak? Plastic-Free July is celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year, a movement to encourage the sw... Read More about Plastics-Free - Would you choose a paper bag?.