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Post Nominals PhD
Biography Dr Rizzuti is a lecturer in Criminology at the School of Criminology, Sociology and Policing. Before joining the School, Alice worked at the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex, where she completed her PhD in Criminology with a study on food crime and the involvements of organised crime and mafia-type groups in the food supply chain in England and Italy. From April 2020 to May 2021, she worked as a Research Associate for the project 'C.R.I.M.E. - Countering Regional Italian Mafias Expansion' (sponsored by the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account at the University of Essex and in privileged partnerships with Eurojust Italian Desk and Operations and Europol). Moreover, from July 2021 to December 2021, she worked as a Research Fellow in the N8PRP funded project ‘Tackling the Developing World of OCGs through a multiagency strategy’.

Before starting her PhD, she completed a five-year degree in law at the University of Palermo (Italy) and a second-level postgraduate master (Italian qualification) in studies on corruption and organised crime at the University of Pisa (Italy).

Her expertise lies in the field of food crimes, green criminology and environmental crimes, organised crime and mafia studies, and comparative criminology and criminal justice. Furthermore, she is interested in corporate crime/crimes of the powerful.
Research Interests Dr Rizzuti's interests and specialism lie in the fields of food crime (harmful and criminal practices taking place in the food systems and food supply chains, food fraud, food safety, food security), organised crime and mafia (activities, groups and structures, mobility, cross border judicial and police cooperation), crimes of the powerful/corporate and white collar crime, comparative criminal justice and comparative criminology.
Teaching and Learning UG modules:
Environmental Crimes and Green Criminology
Development of Criminological Theory
Crime, Deviance and Society
Becoming a Criminologist

PGT modules:
Doing Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Global Issues in Criminal Justice and Crime Control
Research Designs and Methodologies

Foundation year module:
Introduction to Study in The Social Sciences
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Food crime
Environmental crime
Organised crime
Corporate crime
Comparative criminal justice