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Dr Stavros Michailos' Outputs (8)

A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant (2020)
Journal Article
Michailos, S., Walker, M., Moody, A., Poggio, D., & Pourkashanian, M. (2021). A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(1), Article 104735.

The aim of the present study is to assess the techno-economic viability of integrating biomethanation into power to gas systems in a real waste water treatment plant (WWTP). The research is the first attempt to assess the viability of several scenari... Read More about A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant.

A techno-enviro-economic assessment of a biomass fuelled micro-CCHP driven by a hybrid Stirling and ORC engine (2020)
Journal Article
Udeh, G. T., Michailos, S., Ingham, D., Hughes, K. J., Ma, L., & Pourkashanian, M. (2021). A techno-enviro-economic assessment of a biomass fuelled micro-CCHP driven by a hybrid Stirling and ORC engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 227, Article 113601.

Stirling engines (SE) offer good part load performance and high heat sink temperatures which make it a suitable candidate to serve as a prime mover in micro-combined cooling, heating and power (μ-CCHP) applications. In this study, a novel μ-CCHP conf... Read More about A techno-enviro-economic assessment of a biomass fuelled micro-CCHP driven by a hybrid Stirling and ORC engine.

Valorization of rice straw for ethylene and jet fuel production: A technoeconomic assessment (2020)
Book Chapter
Michailos, S., & Webb, C. (2020). Valorization of rice straw for ethylene and jet fuel production: A technoeconomic assessment. In M. R. Kosseva, & C. Webb (Eds.), Food Industry Wastes : Assessment and Recuperation of Commodities (201-221). (2nd ed.). Academic Press.

The goal of the present study is to exemplify ways to valorize lignocellulosic food waste within the biorefinery concept. Rice straw was selected as the feedstock of focus, but the presented methodologies can be extended to other similar materials su... Read More about Valorization of rice straw for ethylene and jet fuel production: A technoeconomic assessment.

Initial techno-economic screening of BECCS technologies in power generation for a range of biomass feedstock (2020)
Journal Article
Emenike, O., Michailos, S., Finney, K. N., Hughes, K. J., Ingham, D., & Pourkashanian, M. (2020). Initial techno-economic screening of BECCS technologies in power generation for a range of biomass feedstock. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments an international journal, 40, Article 100743.

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) has the potential to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and ultimately play an important role in climate change mitigation. The aim of this research is to compare the techno-economic performanc... Read More about Initial techno-economic screening of BECCS technologies in power generation for a range of biomass feedstock.

Techno-economic assessment on the fuel flexibility of a commercial scale combined cycle gas turbine integrated with a CO<inf>2</inf> capture plant (2020)
Journal Article
Omehia, K. C., Clements, A. G., Michailos, S., Hughes, K. J., Ingham, D. B., & Pourkashanian, M. (2020). Techno-economic assessment on the fuel flexibility of a commercial scale combined cycle gas turbine integrated with a CO2 capture plant. International journal of energy research, 44(11), 9127-9140.

Post-combustion carbon capture is a valuable technology, capable of being deployed to meet global CO2 emissions targets. The technology is mature and can be retrofitted easily with existing carbon emitting energy generation sources, such as natural g... Read More about Techno-economic assessment on the fuel flexibility of a commercial scale combined cycle gas turbine integrated with a CO<inf>2</inf> capture plant.

Biomethane production using an integrated anaerobic digestion, gasification and CO2 biomethanation process in a real waste water treatment plant: A techno-economic assessment (2020)
Journal Article
Michailos, S., Walker, M., Moody, A., Poggio, D., & Pourkashanian, M. (2020). Biomethane production using an integrated anaerobic digestion, gasification and CO2 biomethanation process in a real waste water treatment plant: A techno-economic assessment. Energy Conversion and Management, 209, Article 112663.

The biomethanation of CO2 from anaerobic digestion within the power to gas concept has recently emerged as a promising technology to upgrade biogas, to decarbonise the domestic and industrial heat sector, provide long term energy storage and deliver... Read More about Biomethane production using an integrated anaerobic digestion, gasification and CO2 biomethanation process in a real waste water treatment plant: A techno-economic assessment.

Techno-Economic Assessment Guidelines for CO<inf>2</inf> Utilization (2020)
Journal Article
Zimmermann, A. W., Wunderlich, J., Müller, L., Buchner, G. A., Marxen, A., Michailos, S., Armstrong, K., Naims, H., McCord, S., Styring, P., Sick, V., & Schomäcker, R. (2020). Techno-Economic Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilization. Frontiers in Energy Research, 8, Article 5.

Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) is an emerging technology field that can replace fossil carbon value chains, and that has a significant potential to achieve emissions mitigation or even “negative emissions”—however in many cases with challenging... Read More about Techno-Economic Assessment Guidelines for CO<inf>2</inf> Utilization.

A new non-ideal second order thermal model with additional loss effects for simulating beta Stirling engines (2020)
Journal Article
Udeh, G. T., Michailos, S., Ingham, D., Hughes, K. J., Ma, L., & Pourkashanian, M. (2020). A new non-ideal second order thermal model with additional loss effects for simulating beta Stirling engines. Energy Conversion and Management, 206, Article 112493.

In this paper, comprehensive governing differential equations of Stirling engines have been developed by coupling the effect of gas leakage through the displacer gap, gas leakage into the crank case and the shuttle heat loss into the traditional mode... Read More about A new non-ideal second order thermal model with additional loss effects for simulating beta Stirling engines.