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Biography I investigate the sensory and physiological bases of behaviour. I am particularly interested in phenotypic plasticity, which I explore using social and sexual systems in insects, but I am open to supervision or collaboration on any organism we can get into the lab!

I am co-convenor of the Royal Entomological Society's annual Orthoptera meeting. If you would like to come along, or even present your work, then please do get in touch – students and enthusiasts are particularly welcome.

2023- Lecturer in Biological Sciences, University of Hull
2023- Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society

2019-24 Visitor, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK
2011-23 Postdoctoral research: University of Cambridge, UK; KU Leuven, Belgium (FWO Fellowship); University of Lincoln, UK
2007-11 PhD Biological Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia
2002-06 BA (Hons) and MSc Biological Sciences, University of Oxford (Wadham College), UK
Research Interests I investigate the molecular and physiological control of behaviour, mostly in insects but with broad interests in zoology and natural history. Please get in touch if you're interested in fellowship or PhD projects.
Teaching and Learning I am the module convenor for second-year (Level 5) Genetic Analysis (500697) at the University of Hull. I also contribute to first-year Molecular Biology & Genetics, third-year Invertebrate Zoology, and organise the biennial third-year Field Studies trip to Brazil.

I supervise lots of third-year undergraduate projects, with a focus on insect behaviour, physiology and genetics. If you have a project in mind then please do get in touch.
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Animal (especially insect) behaviour, physiology and genetics.