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Post Nominals AFHEA
Biography Sarah sits within the School of Engineering, where she is a lecturer and researcher in Medical Engineering and the Director of Student Experience. Her current body of research looks at the tribological interactions of the diabetic foot to investigate skin response and further understanding of the formation mechanics of diabetic foot ulceration.

Her research interests centre around biotribology, biomechanics and biomaterials, with a focus on the interactions of skin. Here she has worked on a wide scope of studies, ranging from assessment toolkits for healthcare applications in global populations, biomechanical analysis, wearable sensors and tissue characterisation. Her work is driven by interdisciplinary collaboration in both a clinical and industrial capacity and she is open to interest from any relevant partners looking to collaborate.

Sarah is also a qualified Prosthetist/Orthotist, with experience working within the NHS. She enjoys engaging in outreach activities, having previously held the role of Director of Outreach. And she has been involved in a variety of projects promoting STEM within school and community groups.
Research Interests Biotribology; Biomechanics; Biomaterials; Diabetes; Skin; Medical Engineering
Teaching and Learning 24/25:

Level 6: Prosthetics, Orthotics and Assistive Devices
Level 7: Medical Device Development and Testing

Previously taught:

Level 6: Artificial Organs and CADCAM for Medical Engineers
Level 7: Medical Device Development and Cardiovascular Devices
Scopus Author ID 57796367800
PhD Supervision Availability Yes