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Professor Jonathan Glazzard's Outputs (11)

Student perceptions of feedback in higher education (2019)
Journal Article
Glazzard, J., & Stones, S. (2019). Student perceptions of feedback in higher education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(11), 38-52.

Text Feedback is critical to students’ academic development in higher education. Despite this, evidence suggests that students do not consistently engage with feedback or recognise the value of it. This study explored student perceptions of feedback... Read More about Student perceptions of feedback in higher education.

The Search for 100% Satisfaction with Feedback (2019)
Journal Article
Sutcliffe, R., Linfield, R., Riley, G., Nabb, D., & Glazzard, J. (2019). The Search for 100% Satisfaction with Feedback. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11(3), 35-47

The National Student Survey (NSS) frequently highlights students' dissatisfaction with feedback. Data collected over the past two years by tutors working on a Batchelor of Arts (Honours) Primary Education 5-11 programme, leading to Qualified Teacher... Read More about The Search for 100% Satisfaction with Feedback.

The impact of teacher well-being and mental health on pupil progress in primary schools (2019)
Journal Article
Glazzard, J., & Rose, A. (2020). The impact of teacher well-being and mental health on pupil progress in primary schools. Journal of Public Mental Health, 19(4), 349-357.

Purpose: The study was based around the following three research questions: What factors affect teacher well-being and mental health? How does teacher well-being and mental health impact on the progress of students? What resilience strategies are use... Read More about The impact of teacher well-being and mental health on pupil progress in primary schools.

Using minority stress theory as a conceptual lens to frame the experiences of teachers who identify as LGBTQ+ (2019)
Journal Article
Samuel, S., & Jonathan, G. (2019). Using minority stress theory as a conceptual lens to frame the experiences of teachers who identify as LGBTQ+. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(7), 1-15.

Throughout history teachers who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer (LGBTQ+) have experienced prejudice, discrimination and restrictions to their agency. Heteronormative cultures have prevailed in schools worldwide, despite advan... Read More about Using minority stress theory as a conceptual lens to frame the experiences of teachers who identify as LGBTQ+.

Aspiring to be an Outstanding Trainee Teacher in Primary Education (2019)
Glazzard, J., & Stones, S. (2019). Aspiring to be an Outstanding Trainee Teacher in Primary Education. Scholars' Press

This book provides comprehensive guidance on how to be an outstanding trainee teacher in England. It is intended for trainee teachers in the primary phase and references the Teachers' Standards. It covers key aspects of pedagogy including subject kno... Read More about Aspiring to be an Outstanding Trainee Teacher in Primary Education.

A whole-school approach to supporting children and young people’s mental health (2019)
Journal Article
Glazzard, J. (2019). A whole-school approach to supporting children and young people’s mental health. Journal of Public Mental Health, 18(4), 256-265.

Purpose: Supporting the mental health of children and young people is a global priority. The issue is not specific to England. However, evidence suggests that one in ten children and young people in England has a mental health need. This represents a... Read More about A whole-school approach to supporting children and young people’s mental health.

Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Young Children 0-5 Years (2019)
Glazzard, J., Potter, M., & Stones, S. (2019). Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Young Children 0-5 Years. Critical Publishing

The mental health of children is a current concern, and this applies even to the earliest years of a child’s life. This book supports trainees and practitioners working in early years contexts to understand the risk factors which can result in the de... Read More about Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Young Children 0-5 Years.

Teaching and Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary Schools (2019)
Glazzard, J., Stokoe, J., Hughes, A., Netherwood, A., & Neve, L. (2019). Teaching and Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary Schools. SAGE Publications (UK and US)

This book begins by exploring what is meant by SEND in primary schools and goes on to cover everything trainees and teachers need to know about their statutory responsibilities in school. It then examines the range of needs they will encounter in pri... Read More about Teaching and Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary Schools.