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Dr Katerina Velentza's Outputs (3)

Ancient sculptures lost at sea: stories of loss and discovery (2024)
Book Chapter
Velentza, K. (2024). Ancient sculptures lost at sea: stories of loss and discovery. In Delivering the Deep: Maritime archaeology for the 21st century: selected papers from IKUWA 7 (135–147). Oxford: BAR Publishing.

This chapter explores stories of loss and discovery of ancient sculptures in the Mediterranean Sea from the period of Classical Antiquity until today. Through the study of archaeological evidence, literary sources, historical records, contemporary ar... Read More about Ancient sculptures lost at sea: stories of loss and discovery.

Technological choice and social practice in the construction and use of watercraft: exploring the case of the ancient Rhodian triemiolia (2023)
Book Chapter
Velentza, K. (2023). Technological choice and social practice in the construction and use of watercraft: exploring the case of the ancient Rhodian triemiolia. In H. Kiimann (Ed.), New perspectives in maritime archaeological research (67-84). University of Tartu Press

This paper explores the theories of technological choice and social practice in the construction and use of watercraft through the case of the Rhodian triemiolia, a Mediterranean oared warship, known to have been developed and used around the eastern... Read More about Technological choice and social practice in the construction and use of watercraft: exploring the case of the ancient Rhodian triemiolia.