Professor Georg Mehl
Professor of Organic and Materials Chemistry
Royal Society Travel Grant
People Involved
Two helices from one chiral centre - self organization of disc shaped chiral nanoparticles (2020)
Journal Article
Mehl, G. H., Yu, H., Qu, W., & Liu, F. (2021). Two helices from one chiral centre - self organization of disc shaped chiral nanoparticles. Chemical science, 12(5), 1778-1782. nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been prepared and surface-functionalized with a mixture of 1-hexanethiol co-ligands and chiral discogen ligands separated from a disulfide functionviaa flexible spacer. Polarized optical microscopy together with differ... Read More about Two helices from one chiral centre - self organization of disc shaped chiral nanoparticles.