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Anti-Doping Values in Coach Education - Erasmus Sport

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Profile image of Professor Adam Nicholls

Professor Adam Nicholls
Professor of Psychology/ Leader of the Sport Psychology and Coaching Group

Feasibility randomised controlled trial examining the effects of the Anti-Doping Values in Coach Education (ADVICE) mobile application on doping knowledge and attitudes towards doping among grassroots coaches (2020)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A. R., Fairs, L. R., Plata-Andrés, M., Bailey, ​., Cope, ​., Madigan, ​. D. J., Koenen, ​., Glibo, ​., Theodorou, ​. ​. C., Laurent, ​.-F., Garcia, ​. ​., & ​ Chanal​, ​. (2020). Feasibility randomised controlled trial examining the effects of the Anti-Doping Values in Coach Education (ADVICE) mobile application on doping knowledge and attitudes towards doping among grassroots coaches. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 6(1), Article 000800.

Objectives Sports coaches are influential in whether athletes dope, but receive very little antidoping education, particularly within entry-level coaching qualifications. We tested the feasibility of an antidoping intervention, delivered via a mobile... Read More about Feasibility randomised controlled trial examining the effects of the Anti-Doping Values in Coach Education (ADVICE) mobile application on doping knowledge and attitudes towards doping among grassroots coaches.