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Understanding the implementation of link workers in primary care networks: A realist evaluation to inform current and future policy

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Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging (2025)
Journal Article
Tierney, S., Westlake, D., Wong, G., Turk, A., Markham, S., Gorenberg, J., Reeve, J., Mitchell, C., Husk, K., Redwood, S., Pope, C., Baird, B., & Ram Mahtani, K. (online). Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners,

Background: Following the 2019 NHS Long-Term Plan, link workers (LWs) have been employed across primary care in England to deliver social prescribing (SP).
Aim: To understand and explain how the LW role is being implemented in primary care in Englan... Read More about Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging.

Patient buy-in to social prescribing through link workers as part of person-centred care: a realist evaluation (2024)
Journal Article
Tierney, S., Wong, G., Westlake, D., Turk, A., Markham, S., Gorenberg, J., Reeve, J., Mitchell, C., Husk, K., Redwood, S., Meacock, T., Pope, C., Baird, B., & Mahtani, K. R. (2024). Patient buy-in to social prescribing through link workers as part of person-centred care: a realist evaluation. Health and Social Care Delivery Research,

Background: Social prescribing link workers have become part of primary health care in recent years. They help patients to recognise non-medical factors affecting their health and identify sources of support, often in the voluntary, community and soc... Read More about Patient buy-in to social prescribing through link workers as part of person-centred care: a realist evaluation.