Professor Xudong Zhao
Professor of Engineering/ Director of Research
Professor Xudong Zhao
Professor of Engineering/ Director of Research
Thermoelectric generator performance enhancement by the application of pulsed heat power (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., & Ma, X. (2019, June). Thermoelectric generator performance enhancement by the application of pulsed heat power. Presented at International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer: FFHMT'19, Ottawa, CanadaThermoelectric generator (TEG) is usually studied under steady state heating conditions however, the use of pulsed heat power could significantly enhance its performance. Therefore, this paper presents a numerical investigation of the thermal and ele... Read More about Thermoelectric generator performance enhancement by the application of pulsed heat power.
Preliminary experiment on a novel photovoltaic-thermoelectric system in summer (2019)
Journal Article
Li, G., Shittu, S., zhou, K., Zhao, X., & Ma, X. (2019). Preliminary experiment on a novel photovoltaic-thermoelectric system in summer. Energy, 188, Article 116041.© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Compared with the PV electricity generation, the hybrid Photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PV-TE) can generate more electricity due to its ability to utilize a wider solar spectrum than the PV. The PV-TE employing micro-channel heat pip... Read More about Preliminary experiment on a novel photovoltaic-thermoelectric system in summer.
Simulation and experiment on thermal performance of a micro-channel heat pipe under different evaporator temperatures and tilt angles (2019)
Journal Article
Li, G., Diallo, T. M., Akhlaghi, Y. G., Shittu, S., Zhao, X., Ma, X., & Wang, Y. (2019). Simulation and experiment on thermal performance of a micro-channel heat pipe under different evaporator temperatures and tilt angles. Energy, 179, 549-557.© 2019 Elsevier Ltd For a solar collector with a heat pipe, the tilt angle is an important factor which has a direct impact on the orientation (surface azimuth angle) and affects the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the collector. Th... Read More about Simulation and experiment on thermal performance of a micro-channel heat pipe under different evaporator temperatures and tilt angles.
Optimized high performance thermoelectric generator with combined segmented and asymmetrical legs under pulsed heat input power (2019)
Journal Article
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., Ma, X., Akhlaghi, Y. G., & Ayodele, E. (2019). Optimized high performance thermoelectric generator with combined segmented and asymmetrical legs under pulsed heat input power. Journal of power sources, 428, 53-66. this study, a segmented asymmetrical thermoelectric generator (SASTEG) is numerically investigated to optimize its electrical performance and mechanical reliability under transient and steady state conditions. The thermal and electrical performanc... Read More about Optimized high performance thermoelectric generator with combined segmented and asymmetrical legs under pulsed heat input power.
Comparative study of a concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric system with and without flat plate heat pipe (2019)
Journal Article
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., Golizadeh Akhlaghi, Y., Ma, X., & Yu, M. (2019). Comparative study of a concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric system with and without flat plate heat pipe. Energy Conversion and Management, 193, 1-14. management of photovoltaic cells is an essential research objective for increasing the conversion efficiency of the photovoltaic. Flat plate heat pipe is a passive cooling device capable of effectively reducing the solar cell temperature. The... Read More about Comparative study of a concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric system with and without flat plate heat pipe.
Advancements in thermoelectric generators for enhanced hybrid photovoltaic system performance (2019)
Journal Article
Shittu, S., Li, G., Akhlaghi, Y. G., Ma, X., Zhao, X., & Ayodele, E. (2019). Advancements in thermoelectric generators for enhanced hybrid photovoltaic system performance. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 109, 24-54. thermal management of photovoltaic cells is essential for improving its conversion efficiency and increasing its life span. Solar cell temperature and efficiency have an inverse relationship therefore, cooling of solar cells is a critical r... Read More about Advancements in thermoelectric generators for enhanced hybrid photovoltaic system performance.
High performance and thermal stress analysis of a segmented annular thermoelectric generator (2019)
Journal Article
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., Ma, X., Akhlaghi, Y. G., & Ayodele, E. (2019). High performance and thermal stress analysis of a segmented annular thermoelectric generator. Energy Conversion and Management, 184, 180-193. thermoelectric generators can eliminate the thermal contact resistance formed due to geometry mismatch when flat-plate thermoelectric generators are used with round shaped heat source or heat sink. Therefore, in this study, the numerical simu... Read More about High performance and thermal stress analysis of a segmented annular thermoelectric generator.
Comparative analysis of thermoelectric elements optimum geometry between photovoltaic-thermoelectric and solar thermoelectric (2019)
Journal Article
Li, G., Shittu, S., Ma, X., & Zhao, X. (2019). Comparative analysis of thermoelectric elements optimum geometry between photovoltaic-thermoelectric and solar thermoelectric. Energy, 171, 599-610. optimization of the thermoelectric (TE) device geometry is one of the significant ways to improve its efficiency and power output. However, the complex relationship between the Photovoltaic and the thermoelectric device necessitates the need for... Read More about Comparative analysis of thermoelectric elements optimum geometry between photovoltaic-thermoelectric and solar thermoelectric.
Geometry Effect on Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Transient Performance (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., & Ma, X. (2019, August). Geometry Effect on Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Transient Performance. Presented at International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2019), Västerås, SwedenThis paper presents a three-dimensional numerical investigation on the effect of thermoelectric geometry on hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PVTE) performance under varying weather conditions. Four thermoelectric (TE) geometries corresponding to f... Read More about Geometry Effect on Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Transient Performance.
Thermoelectric Element Geometry Optimization for Maximum Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric System Efficiency (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., & Ma, X. (2018, August). Thermoelectric Element Geometry Optimization for Maximum Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric System Efficiency. Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2018), Wuhan, ChinaThe geometry of thermoelectric elements in a hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric (PV-TE) power generation system can influence the conversion efficiency of the hybrid system. Therefore, this study investigates the optimum geometry for maximum conversi... Read More about Thermoelectric Element Geometry Optimization for Maximum Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric System Efficiency.
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