Dr Simon Calaminus S.Calaminus@hull.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer
Platelet cAMP signalling controls thrombosis through enhanced embolisation
People Involved
Reversal of stress fibre formation by Nitric Oxide mediated RhoA inhibition leads to reduction in the height of preformed thrombi (2018)
Journal Article
Atkinson, L., Yusuf, M. Z., Aburima, A., Ahmed, Y., Thomas, S. G., Naseem, K. M., & Calaminus, S. D. J. (2018). Reversal of stress fibre formation by Nitric Oxide mediated RhoA inhibition leads to reduction in the height of preformed thrombi. Scientific reports, 8(1), Article ARTN 3032. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-21167-6© 2018 The Author(s). Evidence has emerged to suggest that thrombi are dynamic structures with distinct areas of differing platelet activation and inhibition. We hypothesised that Nitric oxide (NO), a platelet inhibitor, can modulate the actin cytosk... Read More about Reversal of stress fibre formation by Nitric Oxide mediated RhoA inhibition leads to reduction in the height of preformed thrombi.