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Interreg - Sullied Sediments

People Involved

Dr Kevin Welham

Professor Nicole Pamme

Mixtures of sediment chemical contaminants at freshwater sampling sites across Europe with different contaminant burdens (2023)
Journal Article
Richardson, S., Mayes, W. M., Faetsch, S., Hetjens, H., Teuchies, J., Walker, P., Heitmann, K., Welham, K., Moore, D., Bervoets, L., Kay, P., Duffus, W., Smith, N., De Cooman, W., Elst, R., Ryken, E., Rotchell, J. M., & Heise, S. (2023). Mixtures of sediment chemical contaminants at freshwater sampling sites across Europe with different contaminant burdens. Science of the Total Environment, 891, Article 164280.

Extended chemical analyses of fluvial sediments were undertaken to establish the key pollutant pressures and mixtures present across nine European Union inland waterways. A wide range of chemical components and physical parameters were investigated i... Read More about Mixtures of sediment chemical contaminants at freshwater sampling sites across Europe with different contaminant burdens.

Citizen-led sampling to monitor phosphate levels in freshwater environments using a simple paper microfluidic device (2021)
Journal Article
Richardson, S., Iles, A., Rotchell, J. M., Charlson, T., Hanson, A., Lorch, M., & Pamme, N. (2021). Citizen-led sampling to monitor phosphate levels in freshwater environments using a simple paper microfluidic device. PLoS ONE, 16(12), Article e0260102.

Contamination of waterways is of increasing concern, with recent studies demonstrating elevated levels of antibiotics, antidepressants, household, agricultural and industrial chemicals in freshwater systems. Thus, there is a growing demand for method... Read More about Citizen-led sampling to monitor phosphate levels in freshwater environments using a simple paper microfluidic device.