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HIDDEN: Hospice Inpatient Deep vein thrombosis detection study

People Involved

Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study (2021)
Journal Article
Seddon, K., Elliott, J., Johnson, M., White, C., Watson, M., Nelson, A., & Noble, S. (2021). Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study. Research Involvement and Engagement, 7(1), Article 22.

Background: The publication of the United Kingdom (UK) Standards for Public Involvement (PI) (UK Standards) in research drew a clear line in the sand regarding the importance of utilising the unique experience, skills and expertise that lay people ma... Read More about Using the United Kingdom standards for public involvement to evaluate the impact of public involvement in a multinational clinical study.

Optimised clinical study recruitment in palliative care: success strategies and lessons learned (2019)
Journal Article
White, C., Noble, S., Watson, M., Swan, F., Nelson, A., & Johnson, M. J. (2020). Optimised clinical study recruitment in palliative care: success strategies and lessons learned. BMJ supportive & palliative care, 10(2), 216-220.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Recruitment challenges to clinical research studies in palliative care settings, particularly in hospices, are well documented. However, a recent study (Hospice Inpatient Deep vein thrombosis Detection (HIDDen... Read More about Optimised clinical study recruitment in palliative care: success strategies and lessons learned.