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Deep Text Generation from a Knowledge Graph

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Project Description

The objective of this project to develop a text generator that can (a) generate coherent and grammatical text for a specific domain from a knowledge graph of relevant facts, and (b) transfer the learnt linguistic representations to new domains that have a similar function but can have different semantic fields. This project is designed as an MSc by research degree in Computer Science and is sponsored by Stanford-based start-up company Diffbot, who are providing us with access to their Knowledge Graph of facts as well as noisy training data. The main methodology is based on the MemN2N model, a sequence-to-sequence recurrent neural network that learns to condition an output sequence of words on an input sequence of semantic fields. An external memory component helps align portions of noisy text fragments with fields from the knowledge graph, so that no human engineering is required in model training.

Status Project Complete
Value £21,119.00
Project Dates Oct 1, 2017 - Sep 30, 2019

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