Professor Joe Cook
Professor in Organisational Behaviour/Human Resources Management
Identifying and Repurposing Community Based Assets and Volunteering During COVID 19
People Involved
Dr Fiona Walkley
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
No Longer 'Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards'? Advances in Local State- Voluntary and Community Sector Relationships During Covid-19 (2023)
Journal Article
Cook, J., Thiery, H., & Burchell, J. (in press). No Longer 'Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards'? Advances in Local State- Voluntary and Community Sector Relationships During Covid-19. Journal of Social Policy, the significant influence of localism on policy discourses in the UK in recent decades, there has been limited evidence of any fundamental changes in state-civil society relationships. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 created a n... Read More about No Longer 'Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards'? Advances in Local State- Voluntary and Community Sector Relationships During Covid-19.