Mr Sam Ramsden
Ideas Fund: The Boothferry we want
People Involved
Project Description
This research is part of the Ideas Fund. I am a researcher supporting a local community group: Hu4 – the Boothferry we Want. The project is aiming to: 1) reduce isolation for older and vulnerable people; 2) understand residents perspectives on the local area - what is good about Boothferry and what can be improved; 3) feed information into policy and practice.
I will be working with HU4 to: 1) collect information and stories of the local area from residents through qualitative interviews, 2) identify relevant information form secondary sources (e.g. council reports) which help present a detailed profile of the area, 3) present information back to stakeholders including Hull City Council and NHS services.
Project Acronym | Hu4BWW |
Status | Project Complete |
Value | £5,000.00 |
Project Dates | Oct 1, 2021 - Sep 30, 2022 |