Mr Jordan Curry
Research Assistant
Mr Jordan Curry
Research Assistant
Dr Cindy Forbes
Senior Lecturer
Lung cancer has one of the highest incidence and mortality rates worldwide. Physical activity can provide those diagnosed with lung cancer with several physical and psychological benefits. However, the examination of digitally delivered physical activity to those with lung cancer is not as researched as other common cancers. Often, those diagnosed with lung cancer are older adults (65 years or older). Older adults are often wrongly assumed to lack digital skills, interest, and not engage with digital technology regularly. Although individuals are interested, would involving older people in designing of websites and apps result in better engagement? Main Body: In this article, the authors discuss the process of adapting a digital platform with a patient and public involvement group to provide those who have received a lung cancer diagnosis with a tailored physical activity program and health educational modules. We discuss the influence of recurrent patient and public involvement on the study, the patient and public involvement members, and the doctoral researcher. Conclusion: Working with a patient and public involvement group over several months, especially potential users of a digital intervention, may enhance its relevance, accessibility, and usability. By engaging with patients, family, or caregivers for someone with lung cancer, the doctoral student gained insight into the needs of the study population and what to consider during development. All group members expressed their interest and enjoyment in their involvement, and several are now active members of a wider patient and public involvement network.
Status | Project Complete |
Value | £1,620.00 |
Project Dates | Nov 24, 2021 - May 23, 2023 |
TRANSFORM: Effects of physical activity during the cancer journey Jun 1, 2018 - May 31, 2024
Regular physical activity has been shown to help improve the body and mind during and after cancer treatment. Regular activity has also been linked to lower risk of cancer recurring and to longer survival. Despite this, most people with a cancer diag...
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Digital and community-based, personally tailored activity support among older adults living with and beyond cancer Dec 1, 2019 - Mar 15, 2020
The number of people living with and beyond cancer has doubled over the past 40 years. This is mainly due to better cancer screening and treatments. This is good news, but it also means more people are living with side effects from their cancer and t...
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Adapting a smartphone-based rehabilitation programme for older adults living with and beyond cancer: an intervention development study Apr 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2024
The number of people living with and beyond cancer is growing; many are over 65 years old who often have different and more complicated healthcare needs than younger people.
Being active is one of the best things people with, or who have had, canc...
Read More about Adapting a smartphone-based rehabilitation programme for older adults living with and beyond cancer: an intervention development study.
A phase II, randomised feasibility trial of a tailored, home-based exercise programme on disease-free survival among early stage high-risk recurring cancers in Yorkshire Sep 1, 2022 - Aug 31, 2026
To determine the effect exercise has on preventing secondary cancers and improving 5-year survival rates among people diagnosed with breast, bowel, lung, or prostate cancers in Yorkshire.
TRANSFORM - CanBenefit II: CANcer BEhavioural Nutrition and Exercise FeasIbility Trial among older adults with lung cancer Sep 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2023
Revision of the 2019 bid to YCR as a TRANSFORM endowment bid.
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