Dr Thomas Ostler
Spin-wave implementation within the VAMPIRE software package
People Involved
Project Description
Overview: Vampire [1,3] is a UK-based spin dynamics software package, that provides state-of-the-art atomistic spin dynamics (ASD) simulations and can model complex magnetic materials (ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, antiferromagnetic and frustrated spin configurations) and various geometries (core-shell particles, multilayers, system with defects/impurities and 2D materials) [3]. The code has over 400 active users [2] and is highly scalable and portable. Spin-wave (magnons) are coherent motions of spins in magnetic materials similar to lattice oscillations (phonons). The increasing focus on energy efficient and high speed/frequency devices has stimulated new research into the role of magnon in the magnetisation dynamics such as THz generation, ultrafast spin switching or magnonics [13,12,14,15]. However, the ability to calculate spin wave spectra is limited to simple cases at zero temperature (SpinW) or to small systems due to the lack of a parallel and scalable implementation. The aim of this eCSE project is to implement a high performance and scalable analysis module into the VAMPIRE software package to directly calculate spin wave modes for complex crystal structures, systems with thermal fluctuations and large scale devices.
Status | Project Live |
Value | £0.00 |
Project Dates | Jun 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025 |
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