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HIKE: M3D-BIO: Microfluidics-Enabled 3D Printing for Biofabrication

People Involved

Project Description

The primary aim of this funding request is to support attending as a speaker for the “World Biomaterials Congress” as one of the most important international conferences in the field of tissue engineering.

The key objective of this activity is to accelerate the impact of my newly developed technology called SMART microfluidics for development of artificial organs and tissues.

Since 2021, I have been working on an ambitious project “An agile bio-manufacturing platform for production of blood vasculature” funded by EPSRC (EP/V051342/1) in collaboration with the University of Birmingham (lead organisation).

I have successfully secured several in-kind contribution accesses to the central laser facility in Harwell and funding from Royal Society “International Exchanges 2022 Cost Share” and “Innovate UK-ICURE Discover programme” for commercialisation and wider uptake of my technology.

The expected significant impact and outcome by attending this conference including publication in the 4* journal ‘Advanced Healthcare Materials’, is by establishing new collaborations with top universities around the world (US & Europe) for funding proposals and finding potential customers for commercialisation.

Status Project Complete
Value £2,000.00
Project Dates May 26, 2024 - May 31, 2024
Partner Organisations Polytechnic University of Milan
University of Birmingham

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